- I confirm there are no other open issues about this asset
- I understand that to actually add the asset to Haveno, a PR from the developers/community of the proposed asset might be necessary
- I understand that adding the asset is at discretion of the Haveno Core Team and applying doesn't necessarily imply acceptance
What's the ticker symbol of the project?
Zeph & ZSD
Why should it be added to Haveno? How would it benefit the project and the community?
Zephyr is a fork of Monero with an added stablecoin (ZSD) within the protocol. ZSD inherits all the privacy features of Monero. With the recent delistings of privacy coins, I think Dex's like Haveno are the future. Having a stablecoin option on Haveno with benefits of Monero's privacy would be a win for everyone.
Is it an Ethereum token (ERC-20)?
- Yes
- No
Was the coin pre-mined before public launch?
- Yes -- 500k premine to be used for ZSD collateral if reserve ratio suddenly dropped (currently over 1300% overcollateralized).
- No
Is there a dev fee for the project maintainers?
- Yes -- 5% dev tax on blocks
- No
Please provide resources about the project (Website, Twitter, etc)