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How to contribute to Flask

Thanks for considering contributing to Flask.

Support questions

Please, don't use the issue tracker for this. Check whether the #pocoo IRC channel on Freenode can help with your issue. If your problem is not strictly Werkzeug or Flask specific, #python is generally more active. Stack Overflow is also worth considering.

Reporting issues

  • Under which versions of Python does this happen? This is even more important if your issue is encoding related.
  • Under which versions of Werkzeug does this happen? Check if this issue is fixed in the repository.

Submitting patches

  • Include tests if your patch is supposed to solve a bug, and explain clearly under which circumstances the bug happens. Make sure the test fails without your patch.
  • Try to follow PEP8, but you may ignore the line-length-limit if following it would make the code uglier.

Running the testsuite

You probably want to set up a virtualenv.

The minimal requirement for running the testsuite is pytest. You can install it with:

pip install pytest

Clone this repository:

git clone

Install Flask as an editable package using the current source:

cd flask
pip install --editable .

Then you can run the testsuite with:

pytest tests/

With only pytest installed, a large part of the testsuite will get skipped though. Whether this is relevant depends on which part of Flask you're working on. Travis is set up to run the full testsuite when you submit your pull request anyways.

If you really want to test everything, you will have to install tox instead of pytest. You can install it with:

pip install tox

The tox command will then run all tests against multiple combinations Python versions and dependency versions.

Running test coverage

Generating a report of lines that do not have unit test coverage can indicate where to start contributing. pytest integrates with, using the pytest-cov plugin. This assumes you have already run the testsuite (see previous section):

pip install pytest-cov

After this has been installed, you can output a report to the command line using this command:

pytest --cov=flask tests/

Generate a HTML report can be done using this command:

pytest --cov-report html --cov=flask tests/

Full docs on are here:



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