Pirates have notorious difficulty with enunciating. They tend to blur all the letters together and scream at people.
At long last, we need a way to unscramble what these pirates are saying.
Write a function that will accept a jumble of letters as well as a dictionary, and output a list of words that the pirate might have meant.
grabscrab( "ortsp", ["sport", "parrot", "ports", "matey"] )
Should return ["sport", "ports"]
Return matches in the same order as in the dictionary. Return an empty array if there are no matches.
Good luck!
def grabscrab(word, possible_words):
def grabscrab(word, possible_words):
words = []
letters1 = {l:word.count(l) for l in word}
for word in possible_words:
letters2 = {l:word.count(l) for l in word}
if letters1 == letters2:
return words
def grabscrab(word, possible_words):
return [w for w in possible_words if sorted(word) == sorted(w)]