allows to pass refs (Vue reactive variables) in the queryKey
property (it is typed using MaybeRefDeep
, a helper type in @tanstack/vue-query
). Tanstack Query automatically refetches when a ref is updated.
Considering a endpoint named "getFoo" having a query param "bar", calling the generated getFooOptions
with an argument containing refs (bypassing the type check) seems to work:
const bar = ref('foo');
const { data } = useQuery(getFooOptions({
query: {
bar: bar as any
const someTrigger = () => {
bar.value = 'bar'; // will trigger a refetch
Ideally the plugin generated function signature should allows this usage.
// query key creation functions are impacted, because query key may be reactive
export const getFooQueryKey = (options?: Options<GetFooData>) => createQueryKey('getFoo', options);
// options?: MaybeRefDeep<Options<GetFooData>>
export const getFooOptions = (options?: Options<GetFooData>) => {
// options?: MaybeRefDeep<Options<GetFooData>>
return queryOptions({
queryFn: async ({ queryKey, signal }) => {
const { data } = await getFoo({
...options, // refs are passed here, but this is unwanted
...queryKey[0], // here are the finite values
throwOnError: true
return data;
queryKey: getFooQueryKey(options)