Version of mu: 0.23.0
Used dependencies: mu-rpc-service
, mu-rpc-server
Clients generated by mu
appear to incorrectly unmarshal enum values that are assigned to 0. More specifically, such values will be interpreted as None
by the client, making it impossible to distinguish them from unknown or invalid values. However, servers seem to behave as expected.
- Proto file:
syntax = "proto3";
package example;
option java_package="example";
message HelloRequest {
ExampleEnum value = 1;
message HelloResponse {
ExampleEnum value = 1;
service Greeter {
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse);
enum ExampleEnum {
Option1 = 0;
Option2 = 1;
- Server code:
import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO, IOApp}
import example.hello._
import{AddService, GrpcServer}
object TestApp extends IOApp {
implicit val greeter: Greeter[IO] = new Greeter[IO] {
override def SayHello(req: HelloRequest): IO[HelloResponse] = {
IO.delay(println(req.value)) *>
def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = for {
serviceDef <- Greeter.bindService[IO]
server <- GrpcServer.default[IO](8081, List(AddService(serviceDef)))
_ <- GrpcServer.server[IO](server
} yield ExitCode.Success
- Client code:
import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO, IOApp, Resource}
import example.hello._
import{ChannelFor, ChannelForAddress}
object TestClient extends IOApp {
val channelFor: ChannelFor = ChannelForAddress("localhost", 8081) // 1
val clientResource: Resource[IO, Greeter[IO]] = Greeter.client[IO](channelFor) // 2
def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] =
for {
response <- clientResource.use(c => c.SayHello(HelloRequest(Some(ExampleEnum.Option1)))) // 3
_ <- IO.delay(println(response.value))
} yield ExitCode.Success
- Scenarios (3-rd party RPC client link):
Sending a request to the server with the "value" field equal to 0 (
Result via BloomRPC: server correctly logs "Some(Option1)", client correctly interpretsOption1
in the response.
Result via amu
client: server correctly logs "Some(Option1), client incorrectly logs "None" (expected "Some(Option1)") -
Sending a request to the server with the "value" field equal to 1 (
Result via BloomRPC: server correctly logs "Some(Option2)", client correctly interpretsOption1
in the response. -
Sending a request to the server with the "value" field equal to 2 (invalid enum value).
Result via BloomRPC: server correctly logs "None", client correctly interpretsOption1
in the response.
Changing TestEnum.Option1
to TestEnum.Option2
in the first scenario makes it behave as expected, so this issue only affects enum values assigned to 0.