I am automating seamless DANE support after acmetool
, and this process triggers a sequence of simple atomic and idempotent actions with its own timing. This raises concerns about atomicity of the /var/lib/acme/live
directory contents. Multiple files cannot be written all at the same time, and concurrent programs might interact and see half-way results.
I therefore started wrapping acmetool
with a voluntary lock, using flock()
. I use the same lock for the scripts that work with /var/lib/acme
I think it is generally a good idea to use flock()
in the tool itself, precisely because it is a command that runs as a cronjob and occasionally at the user's request. There should be no interference between any two calls of the tool and, given the neat documentation of the /var/lib/acme
directory, it would be good if any other tools could follow a compatible practice.