I am trying to integrate home-assistant-js-websocket with jquery.
I use:[email protected]/dist/haws.umd.js compiled script.
authorization is successful, I receive all entities, I also send commands successfully.
Question. How can I send a custom message to HA and print a response?
I tried:
var service_data = {
entity_ids: ["sensor.temperature"],
no_attributes: true,
wsconn.sendMessagePromise(service_data).then(response => {
// Handle the response from Home Assistant
console.log("Received response:", response);
.catch(error => {
// Handle any errors that occurred
console.error("An error occurred:", error);
in Developer tools->Network tab (websocket) messages I see my request (type:"history/stream"....) and I get a response with historical data from HA successfully.
but in console i get
Received response: null
.then works good with:
HAWS.getUser(wsconn).then(response => {
// Handle the response from Home Assistant
console.log("Received response:", response);
.catch(error => {
// Handle any errors that occurred
console.error("An error occurred:", error);
Thanks for advice!