I wrote Effectful Property Tests, which solved the issue nicely for me.
@avieth has notified me that I could make it even better by doing Gen (m (Test ())
instead of PropertyT IO (m (PropertyT IO ())
to get a more clear separation and intent on what's going on.
This suggests the following instance:
instance Example (Gen (SqlPersistT IO (Test ())) where
type Arg (Gen (SqlPersistT IO (Test ()))) = SqlBackend
evaluateExample example =
evaluateExample $ \conn -> do
sqlAction <- forAll example
testAction <- runReaderT sqlAction conn -- using runReaderT here because the transaction is rolled back in around
test testAction -- delegate to `PropertyT IO ()` instance
And it also kinda makes sense to have an instance for functions, that uses a generator.
instance Example (a -> SqlPersistT IO (Test ()) where
type Arg (a -> SqlPersistT IO (Test ())) = (SqlBackend, Gen a)
evaluateExample mkSqlMkTest =
evaluateExample $ \(sqlBackend, gen) -> do
a <- forAll gen
testAction <- runReaderT (mkSqlMkTest a) sqlBackend
test testAction
Which lets you share generators among effectful test cases.
But, you probably don't want all of the test cases to look like that, so it's probably better for there to also be an instance:
instance Example (a -> Gen (Sql (Test ()))) where
type Arg (a -> Gen (Sql (Test ())) = (SqlBackend, Gen a)
evaluateExample genSqlTest =
evaluateExample $ \(sqlBackend, gen) -> do
a <- forAll gen
sqlTest <- forAll $ genSqlTest a
testAction <- runReaderT sqlTest sqlBackend
test testAction
which would let you generate more stuff in the thing itself.
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