Hi there 👋
If another cookie is set using methods such as addCookie while SessionMiddleware is in use, it will be overwritten by SessionMiddleware.
When tried with VaultSessionExample.
def app[F[_]: Sync](key: Key[PageViews]): HttpRoutes[F] = {
val dsl = new Http4sDsl[F] {}; import dsl._
HttpRoutes.of {
case GET -> Root / "other" / "cookie" =>
Ok("Burn Other Cookies")
.map(_.addCookie("OtherCookie", "hogehoge"))
.map(res => {
println(res.headers.headers) // List(Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8, Content-Length: 18, Set-Cookie: OtherCookie=hogehoge)
Check the value of the header inside the SessionMiddleware.
sessionCookie(id).map(response.response.putHeaders(_)).map(res => {
println(response.response.headers.headers) // List(Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8, Content-Length: 18, Set-Cookie: OtherCookie=hogehoge)
println(res.headers.headers) // List(Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8, Content-Length: 18, Set-Cookie: id=QiTmr/STABek+iyx+Z4SB7j98GJygDupnTokqr1ioDs=; SameSite=Lax; HttpOnly)
OtherCookie is never burned into the browser's cookie, only the id generated by SessionMiddleware is burned into the browser's cookie.
This is probably due to the fact that a new Set-Cookie
has been generated inside SessionMiddleware using the putHeaders method.
As a test, instead of generating a Set-Cookie
and updating the header, I was able to update the ResponseCookie value inside SessionMiddleware using the addCookie method to process the update without overwriting other cookie information.
def sessionCookie(id: SessionIdentifier): F[ResponseCookie] = {
expiration match {
case ExpirationManagement.Static(maxAge, expires) =>
domain = domain,
httpOnly = httpOnly,
secure = secure,
path = path,
sameSite = sameSite.some,
maxAge = maxAge,
expires = expires
case e @ ExpirationManagement.Dynamic(fromNow) =>
HttpDate.current[F](Functor[F], e.C).flatMap { now =>
fromNow(now).map { case ExpirationManagement.Static(maxAge, expires) =>
domain = domain,
httpOnly = httpOnly,
secure = secure,
path = path,
sameSite = sameSite.some,
maxAge = maxAge,
expires = expires
sessionCookie(id).map(response.response.addCookie(_)).map(res => {
println(response.response.headers.headers) // List(Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8, Content-Length: 18, Set-Cookie: OtherCookie=hogehoge)
println(res.headers.headers) // List(Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8, Content-Length: 18, Set-Cookie: OtherCookie=hogehoge, Set-Cookie: id=Z15hkKuTeO7xSPACYOYn2kq4Krqf0QYDWgYJ7fPKliE=; SameSite=Lax; HttpOnly)
If this solution is acceptable, I will create a pull request.
If I am wrong, I would appreciate it if you could let me know.