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Fluent Bit Operator

The Fluent Bit Operator for Kubernetes facilitates the deployment of Fluent Bit and provides great flexibility in building logging layer based on Fluent Bit.

Note that the operator works with kubesphere/fluent-bit, a fork of fluent/fluent-bit. Due to the known issue, the original Fluent Bit doesn't support dynamic configuration. To address that, kubesphere/fluent-bit incorporates a configuration reloader into the original. See kubesphere/fluent-bit documentation for more information.

Once installed, the Fluent Bit Operator provides the following features:

  • Fluent Bit Management: Deploy and destroy Fluent Bit daemonset automatically.
  • Custom Configuration: Select input/filter/output plugins via labels.
  • Dynamic Reloading: Update configuration without rebooting Fluent Bit pods.

Table of contents


Fluent Bit Operator defines five custom resources using CustomResourceDefinition (CRD):

  • FluentBit: Defines Fluent Bit instances and its associated config. (It requires to work with kubesphere/fluent-bit for dynamic configuration.)
  • FluentBitConfig: Select input/filter/output plugins and generates the final config into a Secret.
  • Input: Defines input config sections.
  • Filter: Defines filter config sections.
  • Output: Defines output config sections.

Each Input, Filter, Output represents a Fluent Bit config section, which are selected by FluentBitConfig via label selectors. The operator watches those objects, make the final config data and creates a Secret for store, which will be mounted onto Fluent Bit instances owned by FluentBit. The whole workflow can be illustrated as below:

Fluent Bit workflow

Get Started


Kubernetes v1.11.3+ is necessary for running Fluent Bit Operator, while it is always recommended to operate with the latest version.

If you are using Fluent Bit Operator v0.1.0, remove them alongside CRDs before start. This is true for KubeSphere v2.x users. Since the whole project has been completely refactored, old CRDs may cause conflicts. Backup your old CRDs if necessary. KubeSphere v2.x users can run the following commands to clean legacy:

kubectl get -n kubesphere-logging-system fluent-bit -oyaml > fluent-bit-crd-backup.yaml
kubectl delete deploy -n kubesphere-logging-system logging-fluentbit-operator
kubectl delete -n kubesphere-logging-system fluent-bit
kubectl delete ds -n kubesphere-logging-system fluent-bit
kubectl delete crd

Quick Start

The quick start instructs you to deploy fluent bit with dummy as input and stdout as output, which is equivalent to execute the binary with fluent-bit -i dummy -o stdout.

kubectl apply -f manifests/setup
kubectl apply -f manifests/quick-start

Once everything is up, you'll observe messages in fluent bit pod logs like below:

[0] my_dummy: [1587991566.000091658, {"message"=>"dummy"}]
[1] my_dummy: [1587991567.000061572, {"message"=>"dummy"}]
[2] my_dummy: [1587991568.000056842, {"message"=>"dummy"}]
[3] my_dummy: [1587991569.000896217, {"message"=>"dummy"}]
[0] my_dummy: [1587991570.000172328, {"message"=>"dummy"}]


Logging Stack

This guide provisions logging pipeline for your work environment. It installs Fluent Bit as daemonset for collecting container logs, filtering unneeded fields and forwarding them to the target destinations (eg. es, kafka, fluentd).

logging stack

Note that you need a running elasticsearch v5+ to receive data before start. Remember to adjust output-elasticsearch.yaml to your es setup. Otherwise fluent bit will spam errors. Kafka and Fluentd are optional and switched off by default.

kubectl apply -f manifests/setup
kubectl apply -f manifests/logging-stack

Within a couple of minutes, you should observe an index available:

$ curl localhost:9200/_cat/indices
green open ks-logstash-log-2020.04.26 uwQuoO90TwyigqYRW7MDYQ 1 1  99937 0  31.2mb  31.2mb



The listing below shows supported plugins currently. It is based on Fluent Bit v1.4.6. For more information, see API docs of each plugin.

Best Practice

Plugin Grouping

Input, filter and output plugins are connected by the mechanism of tagging and matching. For input and output plugins, always create Input or Output instances for every plugin. Don't aggregate multiple inputs or outputs into one Input or Output object, except you have a good reason to do so. Take the demo logging stack for example, we have independent yaml files for each kind of outputs.

However, for filter plugins, if you want a filter chain, order of filters matters. You need organize multiple filters into an array as the demo logging stack suggests.

Path Convention

Path to file in Fluent Bit config should be well regulated. Fluent Bit Operator adopts the following convention internally.

Dir Path Description
/fluent-bit/tail Stores tail related files, eg. file tracking db. Using fluentbit.spec.positionDB will mount a file pos.db under this dir by default.
/fluent-bit/secrets/{secret_name} Stores secrets, eg. TLS files. Specify secrets to mount in fluentbit.spec.secrets, then you have access.
/fluent-bit/config Stores the main config file and user-defined parser config file.

Note that ServiceAccount files are mounted at /var/run/secrets/

Features In Plan

  • Support custom parser plugins
  • Support custom Input/Filter/Output plugins
  • Deploy Fluent Bit as deployment
  • Integrate logging sidecar



  • golang v1.13+.
  • kubectl v1.11.3+.
  • kubebuilder v2.3+ (the project is build with v2.3.0)
  • Access to a kubernetes cluster v1.11.3+


  1. Remove legacy from v0.1.0 (optional)
  2. Install CRDs: make install
  3. Run: make run



API Doc is generated automatically. To modify it, edit the comment above struct fields, then run go run cmd/doc-gen/main.go.


Most yaml files under the folder manifests/setup are derived from config which is automatically generated. Don't edit them directly, run make manifests instead, then replace them properly.