order/properties-order breaks @include
At first, I was only using order/properties-order
, like this:
rules: {
'order/properties-order': [
STYLELINT_PROPERTIES_ORDER, // Details at the end of the issue
emptyLineBeforeUnspecified: 'threshold',
emptyLineMinimumPropertyThreshold: 5,
severity: SEVERITIES.warning,
unspecified: 'ignore',
But doing that would make my @include
statements always end up in the end of blocks, which would break my styles. For example, this:
$icon-size-min: sizes.$icon-medium;
$icon-size-proportional: 1.4em;
$loading-size: 20px;
.universal-button {
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
//#region Root element
@include mixins.button-reset;
display: inline-flex;
min-height: var(--universal-button-min-height, sizes.$interactive-min-height);
min-width: var(--universal-button-min-width, sizes.$interactive-min-width);
border: borders.$button-around-width solid currentColor;
border-radius: border-radiuses.$button;
line-height: line-heights.$button;
cursor: pointer;
color durations.$standard-transition-duration,
background-color durations.$standard-transition-duration,
border-color durations.$standard-transition-duration,
text-decoration-color durations.$standard-transition-duration
// ... More styles
With my config, autofixing would yield this:
.universal-button {
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
min-width: var(--universal-button-min-width, sizes.$interactive-min-width);
min-height: var(--universal-button-min-height, sizes.$interactive-min-height);
border: borders.$button-around-width solid currentColor;
border-radius: border-radiuses.$button;
line-height: line-heights.$button;
cursor: pointer;
color durations.$standard-transition-duration,
background-color durations.$standard-transition-duration,
border-color durations.$standard-transition-duration,
text-decoration-color durations.$standard-transition-duration
//#region Root element
@include mixins.button-reset;
// ... More styles
My @include
statements are in the bottom, so it applies style-resetting mixins AFTER my styles, undoing them. Not cool.
order/properties-order moves my dollar variables to the bottom
See this block of styles:
height: sizes.$circular-gauge-size;
width: sizes.$circular-gauge-size;
position: relative;
margin-left: paddings.$between-icon-and-text;
border-radius: 50%;
$clamped-proportion-percentage: calc(var(--clamped-proportion) * 100%);
background-image: conic-gradient(var(--color-circular-gauge-primary-color) $clamped-proportion-percentage, var(--color-circular-gauge-secondary-color) 0);
Autofixing does this to it:
width: sizes.$circular-gauge-size;
height: sizes.$circular-gauge-size;
position: relative;
margin-left: paddings.$between-icon-and-text;
border-radius: 50%;
background-image: conic-gradient(var(--color-circular-gauge-primary-color) $clamped-proportion-percentage, var(--color-circular-gauge-secondary-color) 0);
$clamped-proportion-percentage: calc(var(--clamped-proportion) * 100%);
Which gives me a Sass compilation error where the value in background-image
is using undefined variable $clamped-proportion-percentage
Adding order/order
makes conditional logic not work anymore
So I thought, I just need to set up order/order
to tell @include
statements and dollar variables to go on top.
I added a config for order/order
rules: {
'order/order': [
name: 'use',
type: 'at-rule',
name: 'function',
type: 'at-rule',
name: 'mixin',
type: 'at-rule',
name: 'include',
type: 'at-rule',
name: 'media',
type: 'at-rule',
name: 'container',
type: 'at-rule',
name: 'content',
type: 'at-rule',
name: 'return',
type: 'at-rule',
severity: SEVERITIES.warning,
unspecified: 'ignore',
But some mixins got broken by this. For example:
@mixin define-width-for-pill-tag(
$label-width: 30ch,
$font-size: font-sizes.$pill-tag-compact,
$pill-tag-padding-x: paddings.$pill-tag-compact-x,
$pill-tag-part-padding-x: paddings.$pill-tag-part-compact-x,
$has-icon: true,
$icon-size: sizes.$icon-small,
) {
$base-paddings: calc(
($pill-tag-part-padding-x + $pill-tag-padding-x)
* 2
$space-for-icon: 0;
@if $has-icon {
$space-for-icon: calc($icon-size + paddings.$for-icon);
// Make 'ch' relative to the pill tag
font-size: font-sizes.$pill-tag-compact;
@include define-width(
$value: calc(
+ $space-for-icon
+ $label-width
$based-on: 'body',
This is what autofixing does to it:
@mixin define-width-for-pill-tag(
$label-width: 30ch,
$font-size: font-sizes.$pill-tag-compact,
$pill-tag-padding-x: paddings.$pill-tag-compact-x,
$pill-tag-part-padding-x: paddings.$pill-tag-part-compact-x,
$has-icon: true,
$icon-size: sizes.$icon-small,
) {
$base-paddings: calc(
($pill-tag-part-padding-x + $pill-tag-padding-x)
* 2
$space-for-icon: 0;
@include define-width(
$value: calc(
+ $space-for-icon
+ $label-width
$based-on: 'body',
// Make 'ch' relative to the pill tag
font-size: font-sizes.$pill-tag-compact;
@if $has-icon {
$space-for-icon: calc($icon-size + paddings.$for-icon);
no longer has its variable value when I call it, so it breaks.
But thing is, I can't very well just decide to put @if
statements in order/order
and ask them to always be before @include
. Because conditional logic like that can go anywhere.
Please help
I need help. I don't really care about the order of at-rules. I just want my property reordering NOT to break where among the properties a mixin is included, or where conditional logic happens.
Can stylelint-order be set up to not break any Sass? How?
Technical info
"stylelint": "^16.14.1",
"stylelint-config-standard-scss": "^14.0.0",
"stylelint-config-standard-vue": "^1.0.0",
"stylelint-order": "^6.0.4",
"stylelint-scss": "^6.11.0",
Config extends
extends: [ 'stylelint-config-standard-scss', 'stylelint-config-standard-vue/scss' ],
const EMPTY_LINE_BEFORE_DEFAULT = { emptyLineBefore: 'threshold' }
* Compose rules from other selectors in CSS Modules.
* @see
properties: [ 'composes' ],
// Must be first (unless using the above).
properties: [ 'all' ],
// Pseudo-element-specific properties
properties: [ 'content' ],
// Properties that cause a fundamental change and fit better up here
properties: [ 'order', 'box-sizing' ],
// Display, plus flexbox-related properties
properties: [
// Grid layout.
properties: [
// Box model: Sizing
properties: [
// Box model: Float, overflow and clip
properties: [
// Position.
properties: [
// Gap.
properties: [ 'gap', 'row-gap', 'column-gap' ],
// Box model: Spacing
properties: [
* Columns and paged media
* @see
properties: [
// Typography.
properties: [
'word-wrap', // Legacy name for `overflow-wrap`
// Accessibility & Interactions.
properties: [
// Images and backgrounds
properties: [
// Masking.
properties: [
// SVG Presentation Attributes.
properties: [
// Transitions & Animation.
properties: [