Hi, i am trying to build my site, which have been working for some time, y updated to the last build of hugo-lamp, and then i get a couple of errors when i try to build.
This is the output i get
Building sites … ERROR 2020/05/06 21:39:06 Failed to add template "theme/partials/head.html" in path "/home/gibranlp/site/themes/hugo-lamp/layouts/partials/head.html": template: theme/partials/head.html:41: function "hugo" not defined
ERROR 2020/05/06 21:39:06 theme/partials/head.html : template: theme/partials/head.html:41: function "hugo" not defined
ERROR 2020/05/06 21:39:06 Error while rendering "taxonomyTerm" in "": template: /home/gibranlp/site/themes/hugo-lamp/layouts/_default/list.html:26:7: executing "/home/gibranlp/site/themes/hugo-lamp/layouts/_default/list.html" at <partial "head.html" ...>: error calling partial: template: "theme/partials/head.html" is an incomplete or empty template.
I also tried to migrate my website to a new one but even on a new hugo site with the default config.toml and i get the same errors.