If I go to a workspace that does not yet exist and therefore is not displayed in waybar, it does not show that workspace in waybar. If I restart waybar, then the newly opened workspace is correctly shown.
Program configuration dump? (ideally)
"version": "1.1.11",
"class": {
"(?i)joplin": "J",
"(?i)librewolf": "",
"(?i)deemix": "d",
"(?i)discord": "",
"(?i)teams-for-linux": "",
"(?i)retroarch": "",
"(?i)freetube": "",
"(?i)signal": "",
"(?i)kitty": "",
"(?i)qutebrowser": "",
"(?i)jellyfin": "",
"(?i)mpv": "",
"(?i)pcmanfm": "",
"(?i)thunderbird": "",
"DEFAULT": "{class}"
"class_active": {
"DEFAULT": "{icon}"
"initial_class": {},
"initial_class_active": {},
"workspaces_name": {},
"title_in_class": {},
"title_in_class_active": {},
"title_in_initial_class": {},
"title_in_initial_class_active": {},
"initial_title_in_class": {},
"initial_title_in_class_active": {},
"initial_title_in_initial_class": {},
"initial_title_in_initial_class_active": {},
"exclude": {
"(?i)rofi": "."
"format": {
"dedup": false,
"dedup_inactive_fullscreen": false,
"delim": " ",
"workspace": "{id}:{delim}{clients}",
"workspace_empty": "{id}: -",
"client": "{icon}{delim}",
"client_fullscreen": "[{icon}]",
"client_active": "{icon}",
"client_dup": "{icon}{counter_sup}",
"client_dup_active": "{icon}*{delim}{icon}{counter_unfocused_sup}",
"client_dup_fullscreen": "[{icon}]{delim}{icon}{counter_unfocused_sup}"
To Reproduce
- Observe which workplaces are currently being used and displayed in waybar.
- Switch to a workspace not being used.
- The new blank workspace will not be displayed in waybar.
- If it is displayed, switch back to another workspace, then return to the new one. Eventually, it will not display in waybar.
Expected behavior
When switching to a new workspace, it should be displayed in waybar.
Linux Distro (please complete the following information):