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The IMU is offset from robot center: |
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Hello Justin, I hope this message finds you well. I have a query regarding IMU sensor used in iRobot Create3. It would be very helpful if you share the datasheet of the IMU sensor used in the robot. In my system, I am modelling IMU sensor as below: Modeling equations: where 𝛚𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙 and 𝒂𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙 represent the true angular velocity and acceleration, respectively; 𝛚𝑛 and 𝒂𝑛 refer to the additive noises of the sensor which follow the Gaussian distributions in nature; and the bias part 𝛚𝑏 and 𝒂𝑏 can be described as random walk processes. The derivatives of the gyroscope bias 𝛚𝑏𝑛 = 𝛚˙𝑏 and the accelerometer bias 𝒂𝑏𝑛 = 𝒂˙𝑏 also follow the Gaussian distributions. Appreciate your time and consideration. Regards, |
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How are you connecting to your Create 3?
Wi-Fi (ROS 2)
Computer(s) Model(s) and Operating System(s)
Raspberrypi 4 / Ubuntu 20.04
Which version of ROS 2 is installed on your computer?
Which firmware version is installed on your robot?
Which RMW is your robot running?
Does your robot have an assigned namespace? If so, please share.
No response
Is the robot connected to a network? If so, what is the network type?
Modem (Laptop, Raspi, Robot on the same network)
Are there multiple Create 3 robots connected to your network?
Is multicast enabled?
What is the Adapter Board's USB/BLE Toggle currently switched to?
Describe your question.
Hello everyone,
Background: I am working with iRobot Create 3 to implement 3d visual inertial odometry using TOF camera input and the IMU data input.
System & Network: I have connected Raspi 4 with the Create3 through USB. To establish the simple network connectivity, I am using modem which connects the Raspi, Create3, Laptop. Through ssh into the Raspi, I am building my algorithms in it.
ROS Middleware: As my algorithms are written in ROS1. I am using ros-bridge package to bridge all the create3 ROS2 topics. Basically, I am building my whole environment in ROS1 using all input data from ros_bridge (/imu, /tf, /camera).
How should I know the position of all co-ordinate frames on the create3 robot - /odom, /base_link, /base_footprint, /imu physically so that I can write the transformations for the /camera_link and /imu_link wrt /base_link or /base_footprint or /odom in my launch file. what are the packages should I incorporate in my project wrt this problem.
Is the IMU used in the create3 robot is calibrated. or is there any need to add filters.
Please share any links, documentation, and your expertise in this regard.
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