All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- drop_down overlay translation @JL70.
- NumberInput Panic when set to min or maxium numbers.
- Adding relevant method from TextInput to TypedInput and NumberInput @Ultraxime
- (Breaking) NumberInput needs Clone and not Copy
- Add map support to GridRow @mytdragon
- Any character can be input in NumberInput as long as it stays a valid input
- NumberInput works properly with Grid
- (Breaking) content_width removed from NumberInput
- Adding proper support to excluded bounds in NumberInput
- Index out of range panics in menu @andrewdavidmackenzie
- selection_list now follows set theme @TheSpartaPT
- (Breaking) Removed Fonts and replaced with iced_fonts.
- Typed Input @Ultraxime
- (Breaking) Migrated Widgets to Widget folder to mimic Iced @Ultraxime
- (Breaking) Add text::Wrapping support @edwloef
- (Breaking) Iced 0.13.0 upgrades.
- (Breaking) Split removed in favor of Iced pane grid
- (Breaking) Modal and Floating element removed in favor of Iced Stack.
- (Breaking) Segmented Button Removed use iced button.
- (Breaking) cupertino Removed as we are not going to support these anymore.
- pub mod required being renamed to pub mod bootstrap via cfg.
- missing Bootstrap
- ability to disable scroll events for NumberInput. @airblast-dev
- number input over/underflow when T is set to Max and Min and T is signed.
- font loading example @Redhawk18
- Add font size to date_picker @Strosel
- Replace Length with impl Into in width/height APIs @TitouanReal
- use bounds directly for segmented_button @spamviech
- Updated bootstrap fonts @RedHawk.
- Migrated SF_UI fonts under extended fonts type removing cupertino feature requirement to use them.
- number input over/underflow @TitouanReal
- Numberinput fixes & shortcut support @the-marenga
- hide all fill_quad-calls behind intersects(viewport) or width/height>0 checks @spamviech
- add missing set_active_tab @spamviech
- button doesn't highlight when it is hovered @Sherlock-Holo
- broken grid generic parameters @Exidex
- nerd font not being loaded by using font family name @Redhawk18
- font Icon enums @Redhawk18
- modal overlay fixed
- fixed tabs
- Tab bar now follows native iced theme @Redhawk.
- Added nerd fonts @RedHawk
- Slider Bar widget.
- DropDown Widget @wiiznokes.
- Updated
@latidoremi. - Updated to latest iced 0.12.0.
- Updated bootstrap fonts @RedHawk.
- Updated to support latest winit changes for input.
- Tabs Icons and text not rendering correctly.
- use_24h not working on time picker.
- Tabs content offset not taking into consideration the Tabs height.
- Grid not rendering and aligning correctly.
- Floating Element now can use other overlay widgets inside its content.
- DynamicHeight to menu bar @latidoremi .
- [Breaking] Custom Style Options for all widgets.
- Align Option for modal @wiiznokes .
- width setting to
- Changed current width to content_width for
. - (Breaking) Removed
, UseIced::widget::Text
- TabBars hieght issue within container.
- number input buttons not rendering correctly when they are oversized.
- Fixed SFUIRounded family name to be correct.
- number input scrolling to be normal scrolling instead of inversed scrolling @Redhawk18.
- Selection List now will clear Selected if a new Item is added to the same ID location as the last and its Hash is different.
- Manual Override will always be used over the internal selected if set to Some(). If the # doesn't exist it defaults Selected to None.
- Added Helper functions for Widgets.
- Breaking Selection List now Takes in Font and Manual Selected override on new_with.
- Breaking Selection list Message Type is now Name((usize, T)) for on_select.
- Upgraded to Latest Iced 0.10.0.
- Depreciating Older Versions of Iced_aw.
- Switched lazy_static to OnceCell
- Floating Element Position is corrected. Original position issue was due to Center_x containing both X and Width/2.