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Apache James Self Hosting Sandbox

James does not work "out-of-the box". You have a bit of work to do to make it run. To operate a James server, you must first configure and build it.

This repository provides an environment for allowing you to configure and build your own James server.

Related issues:

See DETAILS.adoc for additional technical details about this project.

James Servers

You have two choices of James Servers to choose from:

  1. James Basic Server - use this if you are not familiar with James

  2. James Custom Server - use this if you know what you are doing

How to build a Basic Server


How to build a Custom Server

Configure the Server

Choose from the template files in the ./conf directory for those components that you wish to configure differently from the default configuration and copy to ./james-custom-server/conf.

Build the base James Distribution

Build a base James distribution and base the Custom Server on this distribution:

    # Run the build from the top directory of the project
    # Note: you can use --refresh-dependencies to force SNAPSHOT updates
    ./gradlew clean build
    # Look under build/distributions/ for results.

Build and Run the Custom Server with docker-compose

The recommended way is to run the Custom Server is with docker-compose. The docker-compose configuration will build the james-server image for you so you do not need to run docker build.

    # Build james-server-and-cli image and start the services
    # Note: use --build to force build the docker image
    docker-compose up --build -d
    # See the logs
    docker-compose logs -f

You can save a few steps this way:

    docker-compose up --build -d && docker-compose logs -f

When you are done playing, remove all containers and data volumes:

    docker-compose down -v


If you need to debug the code, follow these instructions.

Setting up your IDE


Run James with gradle

Instead of running via docker-compose, use gradle, which will …​ (TODO)

    ./gradlew :james-server:run

Plain Docker

For completenes we will show how to also build the image with plain docker.

    # Build the distributions
    ./gradlew clean build
    # Build the docker image from the top directory
    docker build -t james-server-and-cli -f james-custom-server/Dockerfile .


The modules are meant to be kept independent. They share the git repository. They are aggregated via docker only.


This module builds the email server application


This module builds the command line utility for using it with a server


This module contains sample code on how to extend James server

James server

This module builds the email server. It depends on the james-extensions gradle module so it will include all the customizations from there. It uses gradle application plugin to package all java libraries into a lib directory. The application plugin also provides nice linux and windows startup scripts that we can customize.

You can run james server locally via gradle (curtosy of application plugin)

    # Run the server with
    ./gradlew clean build :james-server:runJamesServer

James Extensions

This module should contain code samples on how to extend Apache James.

We are talking about: * a simple NoOP mailet * a SMTP hook * Mailbox Listener

The extensions module is built as a library and included in the final james-server application.

Mailets and matchers

Samples for mailets and matchers are in ro.ieugen.sample.mailets package.

The steps are as follows:

  • Implement a matcher and/or a mailet class

  • Add them to the classpath of james-server

  • Configure them in mailetcontainer.xml
public class LogAndDoNothingMailet extends GenericMailet {

  public void init() throws MessagingException {"initialize mailet");

  public void service(Mail mail) throws MessagingException {"Service the email {}", mail.getName());
public class MatcherMadeInHeaven extends GenericMatcher {

  public void init() throws MessagingException {"Build Heaven. Initialize matcher");

  public Collection<MailAddress> match(Mail mail) throws MessagingException {"Matching for heaven {}", mail.getName());
    return Collections.emptyList();
    <processor state="do-nothing-mailet" enableJmx="false">
      <mailet match="All" class="ro.ieugen.sample.mailets.LogAndDoNothingMailet"/>

      <mailet match="ro.ieugen.sample.mailets.MatcherMadeInHeaven"

James CLI

This module provides the CLI for James server administration. It is also built with the gradle application plugin and provides a bash script for calling it.

James CLI uses a JMX over HTTP connection to operate so it will need access to the administration port.