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507 lines (398 loc) · 14.3 KB

File metadata and controls

507 lines (398 loc) · 14.3 KB

查询 (Where)


数据类型 可使用的查询操作 说明
string =, in, notIn, !=, isNull, isNotNull, contains, matches, exists, notExists
integer =, >, >=, <, <=, !=, in, notIn, isNull, isNotNull, exists, notExists
number =, >, >=, <, <=, !=, in, notIn, isNull, isNotNull, exists, notExists
array =, in, notIn, isNull, isNotNull, arrayContains, exists, notExists file、geojson、object、date 类型的 array 不支持查询操作。如果进行查询,会返回空数组
boolean =, exists, notExists, isNull, isNotNull
date =, >, >=, <, <=, exists, notExists, isNull, isNotNull
file isNull, isNotNull, exists, notExists
geojson include, within, withinCircle, exists, notExists, isNull, isNotNull
object =, hasKey, isNull, isNotNull, exists, notExists
pointer =, in, notIn, !=, isNull, isNotNull, exists, notExists


  1. 使用查询时,字段必须满足相应的类型。(请先查阅上表)
  2. file、geojson、object、date 类型的 array 不支持查询操作。如果进行查询,会返回空数组


1.通过 tableNametableId 实例化一个 Table 对象,操作该对象即相当于操作对应的数据表,这里推荐用 tableName

示例代码 {% tabs swift1="Swift", oc1="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift1" %}

// 通过 tableId 创建数据表实例 
let table = Table(Id: "1236")

// 通过 tablename 创建数据表实例
let table = Table(name: "Book")

{% content "oc1" %}

// 通过 tableId 创建数据表实例
BaaSTable *table = [[BaaSTable alloc] initWithId: @"1236"];

// 通过 tablename 创建数据表实例
BaaSTable *table = [[BaaSTable alloc] initWithName:@"Book"];

{% endtabs %}


tableName 和 tableID 二选一

名称 类型 说明
tableId String 数据表的 Id
tableName String 数据表名

2.创建 Where 对象,在该对象上添加查询条件

{% tabs swift2="Swift", oc2="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift2" %}

let whereargs = Where.contains("color", value: "red")

{% content "oc2" %}

BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere contains:@"color" value:@"red"];

{% endtabs %}



{% tabs swift3="Swift", oc3="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift3" %}

let query = Query()
query.where = whereargs
table.find(query: query) { (listResult, error) in

{% content "oc3" %}

BaaSQuery *query = [[BaaSQuery alloc] init];
query.where = where;
[table findWithQuery:query completion:^(BaaSRecordList * _Nullable listResult, NSError * _Nullable error) {


{% endtabs %}


参数 类型 必填 说明
query Query N 查询条件


名称 类型 说明
listResult RecordList 结果列表,详见 数据类型 章节
error NSError 错误信息,参考错误处理和错误码

info 注意:知晓云的 api URL 长度限定为 16386,超出则返回 502,请在构造查询条件时注意长度控制,如 in 操作符后边的数组长度、match 操作符后边的字符串长度等。



{% tabs swift4="Swift", oc4="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift4" %}

// 设置查询条件
let whereargs = Where.contains("color", value: "red")

// 应用查询条件
let query = Query()
query.where = whereargs
table.find(query: query) { (listResult, error) in

{% content "oc4" %}

// 设置查询条件
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere icontains:@"color" value:@"red"];

// 应用查询条件
BaaSQuery *query = [[BaaSQuery alloc] init];
query.where = where;
[table findWithQuery:query completion:^(BaaSRecordList * _Nullable listResult, NSError * _Nullable error) {


{% endtabs %}


{% tabs swift5="Swift", oc5="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift5" %}

// 价钱小于等于 10
let whereargs ="price", operator: .greaterThanOrEqualTo, value: 10)

operator 说明:

类型 说明
equalTo =
notEqualTo !=
greaterThan >
greaterThanOrEqualTo >=
lessThan <
lessThanOrEqualTo <=

{% content "oc5" %}

// 价钱小于等于 10
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere compare:@"price" operator: BaaSOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo value:@10];

operator 说明:

类型 说明
BaaSOperatorEqualTo =
BaaSOperatorNotEqualTo !=
BaaSOperatorGreaterThan >
BaaSOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo >=
BaaSOperatorLessThan <
BaaSOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo <=
{% endtabs %}



{% tabs swift7="Swift", oc7="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift7" %}

// name 列包含 apple
let whereargs = Where.contains("name", value: "apple")

// name 列包含 apple (不区分大小写)
let whereargs = Where.icontains("name", value: "apple")

{% content "oc7" %}

// name 列包含 apple
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere contains:@"name" value:@"apple"];

// name 列不包含 app
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere icontains:@"color" value:@"app"];

{% endtabs %}



regex = "/pattern/flags"
  • pattern: 匹配模式
  • flags: 修饰符,如下表介绍
flag 介绍
g global match; find all matches rather than stopping after the first match
i ignore case; if u flag is also enabled, use Unicode case folding
m multiline; treat beginning and end characters (^ and $) as working over multiple lines (i.e., match the beginning or end of each line (delimited by \n or \r), not only the very beginning or end of the whole input string)
s "dotAll"; allows . to match newlines
u Unicode; treat pattern as a sequence of Unicode code points
z sticky; matches only from the index indicated by the lastIndex property of this regular expression in the target string (and does not attempt to match from any later indexes).

info 正则表达式,使用的是 JavaScript 的语法规则,请参考 RegExp


{% tabs swift8_1="Swift", oc8_1="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift8_1" %}

/* 以查找名字为例,name 字段必须为 String 类型 */

// 查找 以 foo 开头的名字,并且对大小写不敏感
let regExp = "/^foo/i"

let whereargs = Where.matches("name", regx: regExp)

/* 以查找手机号码为例,phoneNumber 字段必须为 string 类型 */

// 查找 以 188 开头的手机号码
let regx = "/^188/"

// 查找 以 708 结尾的手机号码
let regx = "/708$/"

// 查找 以 188 开头的手机号码,以 708 结尾的手机号码
let regx = "/^188\d+708$/"

let whereargs = Where.matches('phoneNumber', regx: regx)

{% content "oc8_1" %}

/* 以查找名字为例,name 字段必须为 NSString 类型 */

// 查找 以 foo 开头的名字,并且对大小写不敏感
NSString *regx = @"/^foo/i";

BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere matches:@"name" regx: regx];

/* 以查找手机号码为例,phoneNumber 字段必须为 NSString 类型 */

// 查找 以 188 开头的手机号码
NSString *regx = @"/^188/";

// 查找 以 708 结尾的手机号码
NSString *regx = @"/708$/";

// 查找 以 188 开头的手机号码,以 708 结尾的手机号码
NSString *regx = @"/^188\d+708$/";

BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere matches:@"phoneNumber" regx: regx];

{% endtabs %}


  • inList

数据表中的 field 的类型不限制,field 的 value 含有 array 中的一个或多个

{% tabs swift8="Swift", oc8="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift8" %}

let whereargs = Where.inList("fieldname", list: array)

{% content "oc8" %}

BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere inList: @"fieldname" list: array];

{% endtabs %}

  • notInList

数据表中的 field 的类型不限制,field 的 value 不含有 array 中的任何一个 {% tabs swift9="Swift", oc9="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift9" %}

let whereargs = Where.notInList("fieldname", list: array)

{% content "oc9" %}

BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere notInList: @"fieldname" list: array];

{% endtabs %}

  • arrayContains

数据表中的 field 的类型必须为�数组, field 的 value 包含 array 中的��每一个
{% tabs swift10="Swift", oc10="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift10" %}

let whereargs = Where.arrayContains("fieldname", list: array)

{% content "oc10" %}

BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere arrayContains: @"fieldname" list: array];

{% endtabs %}

如果希望查找数组中只包含指定数组中所有的值的记录,可以使用比较查询 {% tabs swift11="Swift", oc11="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift11" %}

let whereargs ="fieldname", operator: .equalTo, value: array)

{% content "oc11" %}

BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere compare:@"keyname" operator:BaaSOperatorEqualTo value: array]

{% endtabs %}

null 或非 null 查询

查询字段值为 null 或非 null 记录

{% tabs swift12="Swift", oc12="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift12" %}

let whereargs = Where.isNull("name")
let whereargs = Where.isNotNull("name")

{% content "oc12" %}

BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere isNull:@"name"];
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere isNotNull:@"name"];

{% endtabs %}



{% tabs swift13="Swift", oc13="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift13" %}

let whereargs = Where.exists("name")
let whereargs = Where.notExists("name")

{% content "oc13" %}

BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere exists:@"name"];
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere notExists:@"name"];

{% endtabs %}

hasKey 查询 (仅限 object 类型)


参数 类型 必填 说明
key String 在数据表中的类型必须是 Object
value String 需要检测的属性名, 只能包含字母、数字和下划线,必须以字母开头



    'id': '59a3c2b5afb7766a5ec6e84e',
    name: '战争与和平',
    publisherInfo: {
      name: 'abc出版社',
    'id': '59a3c2b5afb7766a5ec6e84g',
    name: '西游记',
    publisherInfo: {
      name: 'efg出版社',
      location: '广东省广州市天河区五山路 100 号'

查询字段 publisherInfo 中存在 location 属性的数据行

{% tabs swift14="Swift", oc14="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift14" %}

let whereargs = Where.hasKey("publisherInfo", fieldName: "location")

{% content "oc14" %}

BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere hasKey:@"publisherInfo" fieldName:@"location"];

{% endtabs %}

info 目前暂不支持查询内嵌属性


      'id': '59a3c2b5afb7766a5ec6e84g',
      name: '西游记',
      publisherInfo: {
        abc: {
          name: 'efg出版社',
          location: '广东省广州市天河区五山路 100 号'


{% tabs swift15="Swift", oc15="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift15" %}

let whereargs = Where.hasKey("publisherInfo", fieldName: "abc.location")

{% content "oc15" %}

BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere hasKey:@"publisherInfo" fieldName:@"abc.location"];

{% endtabs %}

pointer 查询

info 目前 pointer 仅支持针对 pointer 本身的查询,不支持嵌套查询(即查询 pointer 指向的数据行的字段)


假设现在有两张表: Book 表和 Author 表。

order 表部分字段结构如下:

字段名 字段类型 说明
author pointer 指向了 Author

现在需要查询 Book 表中,同时满足以下条件的数据行:

  • author 字段指向 Author 表中 id 为 5bad87ab0769797b4fb27a1b 的数据行

{% tabs swift16="Swift", oc16="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift16" %}

let bookTable = Table(name: "Book")
let authorTable = Table(name: "Author")

let author = authorTable.getWithoutData(recordId: "5bad87ab0769797b4fb27a1b")

let whereArgs ="customer", operator: .equalTo, value: author)

{% content "oc16" %}

// 通过 tableId 创建数据表实例
BaaSTable *bookTable = [[BaaSTable alloc] initWithId: "Book"];
BaaSTable *authorTable = [[BaaSTable alloc] initWithId: "Author"];

BaaSRecord *author = [authorTable getWithoutDataWithRecordId:@"5bad87ab0769797b4fb27a1b"];

BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere compare:@"customer" operator:BaaSOperatoEqualThan value: author];

{% endtabs %}


当有多个查询时,可以使用 andor 来组合查询查询条件。

{% tabs swift17="Swift", oc17="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift17" %}

let args1 ="price", operator:.lessThan , value: 10)
let args2 = Where.isNull("name")

// and 查询
let whereargs = Where.and(wheres: [args1, args2])

// or 查询
let whereargs.or(wheres: [args1, args2])

{% content "oc17" %}

BaaSWhere *args1 = [BaaSWhere isNull:@"name"];
BaaSWhere *args2 = [BaaSWhere compare:@"price" operator:BaaSOperatorLessThan value:@10];

// and 查询
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere and:@[args1, args2]];

// or 查询
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere or:@[args1, args2]];

{% endtabs %}