数据类型 | 可使用的查询操作 | 说明 |
string | =, in, notIn, !=, isNull, isNotNull, contains, matches, exists, notExists | |
integer | =, >, >=, <, <=, !=, in, notIn, isNull, isNotNull, exists, notExists | |
number | =, >, >=, <, <=, !=, in, notIn, isNull, isNotNull, exists, notExists | |
array | =, in, notIn, isNull, isNotNull, arrayContains, exists, notExists | file、geojson、object、date 类型的 array 不支持查询操作。如果进行查询,会返回空数组 |
boolean | =, exists, notExists, isNull, isNotNull | |
date | =, >, >=, <, <=, exists, notExists, isNull, isNotNull | |
file | isNull, isNotNull, exists, notExists | |
geojson | include, within, withinCircle, exists, notExists, isNull, isNotNull | |
object | =, hasKey, isNull, isNotNull, exists, notExists | |
pointer | =, in, notIn, !=, isNull, isNotNull, exists, notExists |
- 使用查询时,字段必须满足相应的类型。(请先查阅上表)
- file、geojson、object、date 类型的 array 不支持查询操作。如果进行查询,会返回空数组
1.通过 tableName
或 tableId
实例化一个 Table
对象,操作该对象即相当于操作对应的数据表,这里推荐用 tableName
示例代码 {% tabs swift1="Swift", oc1="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift1" %}
// 通过 tableId 创建数据表实例
let table = Table(Id: "1236")
// 通过 tablename 创建数据表实例
let table = Table(name: "Book")
{% content "oc1" %}
// 通过 tableId 创建数据表实例
BaaSTable *table = [[BaaSTable alloc] initWithId: @"1236"];
// 通过 tablename 创建数据表实例
BaaSTable *table = [[BaaSTable alloc] initWithName:@"Book"];
{% endtabs %}
tableName 和 tableID 二选一
名称 | 类型 | 说明 |
tableId | String | 数据表的 Id |
tableName | String | 数据表名 |
2.创建 Where
{% tabs swift2="Swift", oc2="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift2" %}
let whereargs = Where.contains("color", value: "red")
{% content "oc2" %}
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere contains:@"color" value:@"red"];
{% endtabs %}
{% tabs swift3="Swift", oc3="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift3" %}
let query = Query()
query.where = whereargs
table.find(query: query) { (listResult, error) in
{% content "oc3" %}
BaaSQuery *query = [[BaaSQuery alloc] init];
query.where = where;
[table findWithQuery:query completion:^(BaaSRecordList * _Nullable listResult, NSError * _Nullable error) {
{% endtabs %}
参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
query | Query | N | 查询条件 |
名称 | 类型 | 说明 |
listResult | RecordList | 结果列表,详见 数据类型 章节 |
error | NSError | 错误信息,参考错误处理和错误码 |
info 注意:知晓云的 api URL 长度限定为 16386,超出则返回 502,请在构造查询条件时注意长度控制,如 in 操作符后边的数组长度、match 操作符后边的字符串长度等。
{% tabs swift4="Swift", oc4="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift4" %}
// 设置查询条件
let whereargs = Where.contains("color", value: "red")
// 应用查询条件
let query = Query()
query.where = whereargs
table.find(query: query) { (listResult, error) in
{% content "oc4" %}
// 设置查询条件
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere icontains:@"color" value:@"red"];
// 应用查询条件
BaaSQuery *query = [[BaaSQuery alloc] init];
query.where = where;
[table findWithQuery:query completion:^(BaaSRecordList * _Nullable listResult, NSError * _Nullable error) {
{% endtabs %}
{% tabs swift5="Swift", oc5="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift5" %}
// 价钱小于等于 10
let whereargs = Where.compare("price", operator: .greaterThanOrEqualTo, value: 10)
operator 说明:
类型 | 说明 |
equalTo | = |
notEqualTo | != |
greaterThan | > |
greaterThanOrEqualTo | >= |
lessThan | < |
lessThanOrEqualTo | <= |
{% content "oc5" %}
// 价钱小于等于 10
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere compare:@"price" operator: BaaSOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo value:@10];
operator 说明:
类型 | 说明 |
BaaSOperatorEqualTo | = |
BaaSOperatorNotEqualTo | != |
BaaSOperatorGreaterThan | > |
BaaSOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo | >= |
BaaSOperatorLessThan | < |
BaaSOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo | <= |
{% endtabs %} |
{% tabs swift7="Swift", oc7="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift7" %}
// name 列包含 apple
let whereargs = Where.contains("name", value: "apple")
// name 列包含 apple (不区分大小写)
let whereargs = Where.icontains("name", value: "apple")
{% content "oc7" %}
// name 列包含 apple
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere contains:@"name" value:@"apple"];
// name 列不包含 app
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere icontains:@"color" value:@"app"];
{% endtabs %}
regex = "/pattern/flags"
- pattern: 匹配模式
- flags: 修饰符,如下表介绍
flag | 介绍 |
g | global match; find all matches rather than stopping after the first match |
i | ignore case; if u flag is also enabled, use Unicode case folding |
m | multiline; treat beginning and end characters (^ and $) as working over multiple lines (i.e., match the beginning or end of each line (delimited by \n or \r), not only the very beginning or end of the whole input string) |
s | "dotAll"; allows . to match newlines |
u | Unicode; treat pattern as a sequence of Unicode code points |
z | sticky; matches only from the index indicated by the lastIndex property of this regular expression in the target string (and does not attempt to match from any later indexes). |
info 正则表达式,使用的是
的语法规则,请参考 RegExp。
{% tabs swift8_1="Swift", oc8_1="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift8_1" %}
/* 以查找名字为例,name 字段必须为 String 类型 */
// 查找 以 foo 开头的名字,并且对大小写不敏感
let regExp = "/^foo/i"
let whereargs = Where.matches("name", regx: regExp)
/* 以查找手机号码为例,phoneNumber 字段必须为 string 类型 */
// 查找 以 188 开头的手机号码
let regx = "/^188/"
// 查找 以 708 结尾的手机号码
let regx = "/708$/"
// 查找 以 188 开头的手机号码,以 708 结尾的手机号码
let regx = "/^188\d+708$/"
let whereargs = Where.matches('phoneNumber', regx: regx)
{% content "oc8_1" %}
/* 以查找名字为例,name 字段必须为 NSString 类型 */
// 查找 以 foo 开头的名字,并且对大小写不敏感
NSString *regx = @"/^foo/i";
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere matches:@"name" regx: regx];
/* 以查找手机号码为例,phoneNumber 字段必须为 NSString 类型 */
// 查找 以 188 开头的手机号码
NSString *regx = @"/^188/";
// 查找 以 708 结尾的手机号码
NSString *regx = @"/708$/";
// 查找 以 188 开头的手机号码,以 708 结尾的手机号码
NSString *regx = @"/^188\d+708$/";
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere matches:@"phoneNumber" regx: regx];
{% endtabs %}
- inList
数据表中的 field 的类型不限制,field 的 value 含有 array 中的一个或多个
{% tabs swift8="Swift", oc8="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift8" %}
let whereargs = Where.inList("fieldname", list: array)
{% content "oc8" %}
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere inList: @"fieldname" list: array];
{% endtabs %}
- notInList
数据表中的 field 的类型不限制,field 的 value 不含有 array 中的任何一个 {% tabs swift9="Swift", oc9="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift9" %}
let whereargs = Where.notInList("fieldname", list: array)
{% content "oc9" %}
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere notInList: @"fieldname" list: array];
{% endtabs %}
- arrayContains
数据表中的 field 的类型必须为�数组, field 的 value 包含 array 中的��每一个
{% tabs swift10="Swift", oc10="Objective-C" %}
{% content "swift10" %}
let whereargs = Where.arrayContains("fieldname", list: array)
{% content "oc10" %}
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere arrayContains: @"fieldname" list: array];
{% endtabs %}
如果希望查找数组中只包含指定数组中所有的值的记录,可以使用比较查询 {% tabs swift11="Swift", oc11="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift11" %}
let whereargs = Where.compare("fieldname", operator: .equalTo, value: array)
{% content "oc11" %}
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere compare:@"keyname" operator:BaaSOperatorEqualTo value: array]
{% endtabs %}
查询字段值为 null 或非 null 记录
{% tabs swift12="Swift", oc12="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift12" %}
let whereargs = Where.isNull("name")
let whereargs = Where.isNotNull("name")
{% content "oc12" %}
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere isNull:@"name"];
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere isNotNull:@"name"];
{% endtabs %}
{% tabs swift13="Swift", oc13="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift13" %}
let whereargs = Where.exists("name")
let whereargs = Where.notExists("name")
{% content "oc13" %}
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere exists:@"name"];
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere notExists:@"name"];
{% endtabs %}
参数 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 |
key | String | 是 | 在数据表中的类型必须是 Object |
value | String | 是 | 需要检测的属性名, 只能包含字母、数字和下划线,必须以字母开头 |
'id': '59a3c2b5afb7766a5ec6e84e',
name: '战争与和平',
publisherInfo: {
name: 'abc出版社',
'id': '59a3c2b5afb7766a5ec6e84g',
name: '西游记',
publisherInfo: {
name: 'efg出版社',
location: '广东省广州市天河区五山路 100 号'
查询字段 publisherInfo 中存在 location 属性的数据行
{% tabs swift14="Swift", oc14="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift14" %}
let whereargs = Where.hasKey("publisherInfo", fieldName: "location")
{% content "oc14" %}
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere hasKey:@"publisherInfo" fieldName:@"location"];
{% endtabs %}
info 目前暂不支持查询内嵌属性
'id': '59a3c2b5afb7766a5ec6e84g',
name: '西游记',
publisherInfo: {
abc: {
name: 'efg出版社',
location: '广东省广州市天河区五山路 100 号'
{% tabs swift15="Swift", oc15="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift15" %}
let whereargs = Where.hasKey("publisherInfo", fieldName: "abc.location")
{% content "oc15" %}
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere hasKey:@"publisherInfo" fieldName:@"abc.location"];
{% endtabs %}
info 目前 pointer 仅支持针对 pointer 本身的查询,不支持嵌套查询(即查询 pointer 指向的数据行的字段)
假设现在有两张表: Book 表和 Author 表。
order 表部分字段结构如下:
字段名 | 字段类型 | 说明 |
author | pointer | 指向了 Author 表 |
现在需要查询 Book 表中,同时满足以下条件的数据行:
- author 字段指向 Author 表中 id 为
{% tabs swift16="Swift", oc16="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift16" %}
let bookTable = Table(name: "Book")
let authorTable = Table(name: "Author")
let author = authorTable.getWithoutData(recordId: "5bad87ab0769797b4fb27a1b")
let whereArgs = Where.compare("customer", operator: .equalTo, value: author)
{% content "oc16" %}
// 通过 tableId 创建数据表实例
BaaSTable *bookTable = [[BaaSTable alloc] initWithId: "Book"];
BaaSTable *authorTable = [[BaaSTable alloc] initWithId: "Author"];
BaaSRecord *author = [authorTable getWithoutDataWithRecordId:@"5bad87ab0769797b4fb27a1b"];
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere compare:@"customer" operator:BaaSOperatoEqualThan value: author];
{% endtabs %}
当有多个查询时,可以使用 and
和 or
{% tabs swift17="Swift", oc17="Objective-C" %} {% content "swift17" %}
let args1 = Where.compare("price", operator:.lessThan , value: 10)
let args2 = Where.isNull("name")
// and 查询
let whereargs = Where.and(wheres: [args1, args2])
// or 查询
let whereargs.or(wheres: [args1, args2])
{% content "oc17" %}
BaaSWhere *args1 = [BaaSWhere isNull:@"name"];
BaaSWhere *args2 = [BaaSWhere compare:@"price" operator:BaaSOperatorLessThan value:@10];
// and 查询
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere and:@[args1, args2]];
// or 查询
BaaSWhere *where = [BaaSWhere or:@[args1, args2]];
{% endtabs %}