new release adding new apis for downloaded packages making it easier to copy files and access nuget settings and paths..
- folder exist method on packagedownload to determine if folder exists in download
- new NuGet Settings locator
- Fallback Feeds
- new copy files method to easily copy a folder of the nuget package
- Updated the documentation
- build script updated
- CopyFiles(string, string, token) now works correctly copying all folders and files in folder path given to destination
- correct nuget package name on readme
- fix casing of folders on api documentation
first official release of NuGet.Searcher Api hopefully allows more people to easily use nuget package api..
- async and sync methods to get all packages in a feed
- NuGetServer now has TempDowloadLocation to determine where downloads should first be downloaded to before copied
- NuGetCopy settings added to simplify the argument passing when Copying files
- Async helper methods added
- GlobalPackagesFeed and Custom Server creation
- Can now download packages
- Can now copy files to a specific location
- downloading is now possible in api
- NugetSearcher Client was added as a means to test the library
- Create NuGetServer
- NuGetSearcherUtility to provide utility methods and constants
- update package description
- update readme documentation
- move sync methods to extensions
- update api documentation
- update api documentation
- move sync methods to extensions
- update changelog configuration file
- update to build scripts version 2.0.2
- made async methods ConfigureAwait
- cleaned up sync methods to use appropiate way of asyncing results
- NuGetServer must be constructed by Utility class now
- DownloadStream removed as not need anymore
- update to latest build scripts
- update documentation
- update appveyor configuration
- Renamed to NuGetSearcher to avoid namespace clash
- Update Cake Scripts
- create a directory if it doesn't exist already
- NugetLogger has null checks to prevent logging to a null logger
- Build scripts were fixed
- Fixed Main solution's path to csproj
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A