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File metadata and controls

119 lines (97 loc) · 5.92 KB

Data Models and Data Types

1. User Model - Nillion + UUID on contract

Field Type Description Storage
isRegistered boolean Indicates if the user is registered in the system String
age uint The user's age (in years) Encrypted
gender string The user's gender (e.g., "Male", "Female", "Other") Encrypted
name string The user's name Encrypted
weight uint The user's weight (typically in kilograms) Encrypted
height uint The user's height (typically in centimeters) Encrypted
activities array[ActivityModel] A list of activities the user has performed Encrypted
sportsGoals array[SportGoal] A list of sports goals the user is working on Encrypted
nutritionGoals array[NutritionGoal] The user's nutrition goals Encrypted
purchasedBots array[PersonalAssistantModel] A list of personal assistant bots purchased by the user String
injuriesDescription string A description of any injuries the user has Encrypted
nfts array[NFTModel] A list of NFTs earned as rewards for completing goals String

2. NFT Model - Contract Only

Field Type Description Storage
nftId string The unique identifier for the NFT Contract
nftName string The name of the NFT Contract
nftImage string (URI) URL of the NFT image Contract
earnedAt uint256 The timestamp when the NFT was earned Contract
description string A description of what the NFT represents Contract

3. Activity Model - Nillion + UUID on contract

Field Type Description Storage
distance uint Distance covered in the activity Encrypted
time uint Time spent on the activity Encrypted
speed uint Speed during the activity Encrypted
calories uint Calories burned during the activity Encrypted
cadence uint Cadence (e.g., steps per minute) Encrypted
activityType string Type of activity (e.g., "Run", "Walk", "Cycle", "Swim") Encrypted
pr string To store any Personal Record was broken Encrypted

4. Sports Goal Model - Contract + UUID

Field Type Description Storage
sportType string The type of sport Contract
intervalDuration string Duration for each goal interval Encrypted
completedMetrics array[Sports Metric] List of completed metrics Encrypted
targetMetrics array[Sports Metric] List of target metrics Encrypted
isGoalActive boolean Is the current goal active? Contract
goalDayWisePlan array[string] Daywise plan/description on how/what to complete Encrypted

5. Sports Metric Model - Contract + UUID

Field Type Description Storage
distance uint Distance in the metric Encrypted
calories uint Calories in the metric Encrypted

6. Nutrition Goal Model - Contract + UUID

Field Type Description Storage
completedMetrics array[NutritionMetric] List of completed nutrition metrics Encrypted
targetMetrics array[NutritionMetric] List of target nutrition metrics Encrypted
intervalDuration string Duration for the nutrition goal interval Encrypted
isGoalActive array[Sports Metric] Is the current goal active? String
goalDayWisePlan array[string] Daywise plan/description on how/what to complete Encrypted

7. Nutrition Metric Model - Contract + UUID

Field Type Description Storage
proteins uint Proteins consumed (in grams) Encrypted
carbohydrates uint Carbohydrates consumed (in grams) Encrypted
fats uint Fats consumed (in grams) Encrypted
caloriesConsumed uint Total calories consumed Encrypted
hydration uint Amount of hydration (in liters) Encrypted

8. Bot Model - Contract

Field Type Description Storage
deploymentURL string (URI) URL where the bot is deployed Contract
description string Description of the Bot Contract
systemPrompt string System prompt for guiding the bot's behavior Contract
botName string The name of the bot Contract
botLogo string (URI) URL of the bot's logo Contract

9. Community Room Model - Contract + UUID

Field Type Description Storage
createdBy address The address of the creator of the community Contract
members mapping(address => boolean) Mapping of community members and their membership status Contract
membersWithPersonalAssistants mapping(address => boolean) Mapping of members with unlocked personal assistants Contract
costToUnlockPersonalAssistantGW uint256 Cost to unlock the personal assistant (in GigaWei) Contract
messages array[Message] Array of messages in the community Encrypted
communityName string Name of the community Contract
communityLogo string (URI) Logo of the community Contract
bot Bot Model Bot which is present in the community Contract
sportsGoals array[SportGoal] List of sports goals the community is working on Encrypted

10. Message Model - Contract + UUID

Field Type Description Storage
text string Content of the message Encrypted
sender address Ethereum address of the message sender Encrypted
ipfsImageUrl string (IPFS CID) Optional image attached to the message Encrypted
timestamp uint256 Timestamp when the message was sent Encrypted
sentByBot boolean Flag to indicate if the message was sent by the bot Encrypted

11. Personal Assistant Model

Field Type Description Storage
bot Bot Model Bot to talk to Contract
messages array[Message] Array of messages in the community Encrypted