The latest version of Imageflow.Server - 0.8.3 - has a transitive dependency on Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream >= 1.2.2 && < 3.0.0 (through Imageflow.AllPlatforms & Imageflow.Net 0.10.2).
However, the latest versions of Imageflow.Net have an incompatible dependency on Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream >= 3.0.0 && < 4.0.0.
We use both Imageflow.Net and Imageflow.Server in a large solution for a production system. We also utilize Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream in our core/shared code library project that is referenced by every other application in our solution.
The incompatible dependencies between Imageflow.Net and Imageflow.Server are preventing us from updating either Imageflow.Net or Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream to their latest versions.
Would you please consider releasing an updated Imageflow.Server package that references the latest version of Imageflow.Net?
Side question, if you don't mind: Is it possible to utilize a specific Imageflow.NativeRuntime library in projects using Imageflow.Server?