Describe the bug
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Attach Oculus Quest to desktop PC and enable Link
- Go to
- Click on "Enter VR"
- Place controller circle on a flat surface
- Observe position and rotation error in VR compared to real world
- Place controller circles against each other
- Observe position and rotation error in VR compared to real world
On Quest in the Oculus browser, orientation is correct; when you repeat the above on Quest with Link disabled you get a pretty perfect match between real world and virtual objects.
Expected behavior
Quest + Link controller model should match real-world orientation and position.
In VR via Quest + Link - note that there's not only a position but also a rotation offset (both are tilted outwards)
Oculus Home via Quest + Link controller orientation
Latest used on
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: [Windows]
- 3D engine: [all]
- Browser [chrome]