Lux offers a lot of EventDispatchers - a technique to hook into Lux runtime with your extension to extend the existing functionality. Contact us if you need further events.
Dispatcher located in | Event Name | Description |
AttributeTracker::addAttribute() | \In2code\Lux\Events\AttributeCreateEvent | This event can be used when an attribute is added to a visitor |
AttributeTracker::addAttribute() | \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LogVisitorIdentifiedByFieldlisteningEvent | Do something when a visitor was just identified by method "Fieldlistening" |
AttributeTracker::addAttribute() | \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LogVisitorIdentifiedByFormlisteningEvent | Do something when a visitor was just identified by method "Formlistening" |
AttributeTracker::addAttribute() | \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LogVisitorIdentifiedByEmail4linkEvent | Do something when a visitor was just identified by method "Email4link" |
AttributeTracker::addAttribute() | \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LogVisitorIdentifiedByLuxletterlinkEvent | Do something when a visitor was just identified by method "Luxletterlink" |
AttributeTracker::addAttribute() | \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LogVisitorIdentifiedByFrontendauthenticationEvent | Do something when a visitor was just identified by method "Frontendauthentication" |
EventTracker::track() | \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\EventTrackerEvent | Hook into pushes for event tracks |
AttributeTracker::getAndUpdateAttributeFromDatabase() | \In2code\Lux\Events\AttributeOverwriteEvent | This event can be used when an attribute of a visitor is updated |
DownloadTracker::addDownload() | \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\DownloadEvent | This event can be used when a visitor downloads a file |
FrontendController::afterAction() | \In2code\Lux\Events\AfterTrackingEvent | This event is used for every kind of frontend/tracking/ajax request in the Frontend Controller |
FrontendController::getError() | \In2code\Lux\Events\AfterTrackingEvent | Same as afterAction() but called when an error came up while tracking |
LinkClickTracker::addLinkClick() | \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LinkClickEvent | This event can be used when a linkclick is tracked from LUX |
NewsTracker::track() | \In2code\Lux\Events\NewsTrackerEvent | This event can be used when a news visit is tracked from LUX |
PageTracker::trackPage() | \In2code\Lux\Events\PageTrackerEvent | This event can be used when a pagevisit is tracked from LUX |
Readable::__construct | \In2code\Lux\Events\ReadableReferrersEvent | This event can be used to extend the readable referrer list |
SearchTracker::track() | \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\SearchEvent | This event can be used when a visitor searches with a searchterm that would be tracked from LUX |
SendAssetEmail4LinkService::sendMail() | \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LogEmail4linkSendEmailEvent | This event can be used when email4link function sends an email to the visitor |
SendAssetEmail4LinkService::sendMail() | \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LogEmail4linkSendEmailFailedEvent | This event can be used when email4link function fails to send an email to the visitor (e.g. file is not allowed, file is not existing, etc...) |
SendAssetEmail4LinkService::send() | \In2code\Lux\Events\SetAssetEmail4LinkEvent | This event can be used to manipulate the MailMessage object just before sending email4link mail |
VisitorFactory::__construct() | \In2code\Lux\Events\StopAnyProcessBeforePersistenceEvent | This event can be used to stop the persistence process by throwing an exception (e.g. if a UserAgent does not fit, etc...) |
VisitorFactory::getVisitor() | \In2code\Lux\Events\VisitorFactoryBeforeCreateNewEvent | This event can be used just before a new visitor object will be build |
VisitorFactory::getVisitor() | \In2code\Lux\Events\VisitorFactoryAfterCreateNewEvent | This event can be used just after a new visitor object was build |
VisitorFactory::createNewVisitor() | \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LogVisitorEvent | This event can be used when a new visitor is persisted |
VisitorMergeService::merge() | \In2code\Lux\Events\VisitorsMergeEvent | This event can be used when visitors were merged (re-identified) |
Look at the official documentation how to work with PSR-14 events in TYPO3 in general:
Note: Sometimes it's easier to use a finisher instead of dealing with events (see Finisher)