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Events (PSR-14)

Lux offers a lot of EventDispatchers - a technique to hook into Lux runtime with your extension to extend the existing functionality. Contact us if you need further events.

List of events

Dispatcher located in Event Name Description
AttributeTracker::addAttribute() \In2code\Lux\Events\AttributeCreateEvent This event can be used when an attribute is added to a visitor
AttributeTracker::addAttribute() \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LogVisitorIdentifiedByFieldlisteningEvent Do something when a visitor was just identified by method "Fieldlistening"
AttributeTracker::addAttribute() \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LogVisitorIdentifiedByFormlisteningEvent Do something when a visitor was just identified by method "Formlistening"
AttributeTracker::addAttribute() \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LogVisitorIdentifiedByEmail4linkEvent Do something when a visitor was just identified by method "Email4link"
AttributeTracker::addAttribute() \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LogVisitorIdentifiedByLuxletterlinkEvent Do something when a visitor was just identified by method "Luxletterlink"
AttributeTracker::addAttribute() \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LogVisitorIdentifiedByFrontendauthenticationEvent Do something when a visitor was just identified by method "Frontendauthentication"
EventTracker::track() \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\EventTrackerEvent Hook into pushes for event tracks
AttributeTracker::getAndUpdateAttributeFromDatabase() \In2code\Lux\Events\AttributeOverwriteEvent This event can be used when an attribute of a visitor is updated
DownloadTracker::addDownload() \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\DownloadEvent This event can be used when a visitor downloads a file
FrontendController::afterAction() \In2code\Lux\Events\AfterTrackingEvent This event is used for every kind of frontend/tracking/ajax request in the Frontend Controller
FrontendController::getError() \In2code\Lux\Events\AfterTrackingEvent Same as afterAction() but called when an error came up while tracking
LinkClickTracker::addLinkClick() \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LinkClickEvent This event can be used when a linkclick is tracked from LUX
NewsTracker::track() \In2code\Lux\Events\NewsTrackerEvent This event can be used when a news visit is tracked from LUX
PageTracker::trackPage() \In2code\Lux\Events\PageTrackerEvent This event can be used when a pagevisit is tracked from LUX
Readable::__construct \In2code\Lux\Events\ReadableReferrersEvent This event can be used to extend the readable referrer list
SearchTracker::track() \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\SearchEvent This event can be used when a visitor searches with a searchterm that would be tracked from LUX
SendAssetEmail4LinkService::sendMail() \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LogEmail4linkSendEmailEvent This event can be used when email4link function sends an email to the visitor
SendAssetEmail4LinkService::sendMail() \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LogEmail4linkSendEmailFailedEvent This event can be used when email4link function fails to send an email to the visitor (e.g. file is not allowed, file is not existing, etc...)
SendAssetEmail4LinkService::send() \In2code\Lux\Events\SetAssetEmail4LinkEvent This event can be used to manipulate the MailMessage object just before sending email4link mail
VisitorFactory::__construct() \In2code\Lux\Events\StopAnyProcessBeforePersistenceEvent This event can be used to stop the persistence process by throwing an exception (e.g. if a UserAgent does not fit, etc...)
VisitorFactory::getVisitor() \In2code\Lux\Events\VisitorFactoryBeforeCreateNewEvent This event can be used just before a new visitor object will be build
VisitorFactory::getVisitor() \In2code\Lux\Events\VisitorFactoryAfterCreateNewEvent This event can be used just after a new visitor object was build
VisitorFactory::createNewVisitor() \In2code\Lux\Events\Log\LogVisitorEvent This event can be used when a new visitor is persisted
VisitorMergeService::merge() \In2code\Lux\Events\VisitorsMergeEvent This event can be used when visitors were merged (re-identified)

Usage of SignalSlots in your extension

Look at the official documentation how to work with PSR-14 events in TYPO3 in general:

Note: Sometimes it's easier to use a finisher instead of dealing with events (see Finisher)