| 1 | +# Features/Pi1/Misc/NoForm.feature |
| 2 | +@Pi1 @Pi1Misc @Pi1MiscManipulatePowermailAllViaTyposcript |
| 3 | +Feature: ManipulatePowermailAllViaTyposcript |
| 4 | + |
| 5 | + Scenario: Check if values can be manipulated in from {powermail_all} via typoscript |
| 6 | + Given I am on "/powermail/pi1/misc/manipulate-powermailall-via-ts" |
| 7 | + Then I should see "Manipulate Powermail All via TypoScript" |
| 8 | + |
| 9 | + When I fill in "tx_powermail_pi1[field][inputfield]" with "This is a test" |
| 10 | + When I check "brown" |
| 11 | + When I check "blue" |
| 12 | + When I check "yellow-no" |
| 13 | + When I check "green-no" |
| 14 | + When I check "Horse" |
| 15 | + When I check "Rabbit" |
| 16 | + When I check "Horse No" |
| 17 | + When I select "Volkswagen" from "tx_powermail_pi1[field][selectsinglecarlabelvaluemanipulation]" |
| 18 | + When I select "Vauxhall No" from "tx_powermail_pi1[field][selectsinglecarlabelvaluenomanipulation]" |
| 19 | + When I select "rose" from "tx_powermail_pi1[field][selectflower]" |
| 20 | + When I select "daisy-no" from "tx_powermail_pi1[field][selectsingleflowerlabelonlymanipulation]" |
| 21 | + When I select "Beech" from "tx_powermail_pi1[field][selectmultitrees][]" |
| 22 | + When I additionally select "Holly" from "tx_powermail_pi1[field][selectmultitrees][]" |
| 23 | + When I select "Beech - No" from "tx_powermail_pi1[field][marker][]" |
| 24 | + When I additionally select "Maple - No" from "tx_powermail_pi1[field][marker][]" |
| 25 | + When I select "Pear" from "tx_powermail_pi1[field][selectmultifruit][]" |
| 26 | + When I additionally select "Strawberry" from "tx_powermail_pi1[field][selectmultifruit][]" |
| 27 | + When I select "Apple - No" from "tx_powermail_pi1[field][selectmultifruitlabelonlynomanipulation][]" |
| 28 | + When I additionally select "Ananas - No" from "tx_powermail_pi1[field][selectmultifruitlabelonlynomanipulation][]" |
| 29 | + |
| 30 | + And I press "Absenden" |
| 31 | + |
| 32 | + Then I should see "Sind diese Eingaben korrekt?" |
| 33 | + Then I should see "Input field" |
| 34 | + Then I should see "Hello world" |
| 35 | + Then I should see "Changed color, blue" |
| 36 | + Then I should see "yellow-no, green-no" |
| 37 | + Then I should see "Horse, Changed animal" |
| 38 | + Then I should see "Horse no" |
| 39 | + Then I should see "Changed car" |
| 40 | + Then I should see "Vaushall No" |
| 41 | + Then I should see "Changed flower" |
| 42 | + Then I should see "daisy-no" |
| 43 | + Then I should see "Changed tree, Holly" |
| 44 | + Then I should see "Beech - No, Maple - No" |
| 45 | + Then I should see "Pear, Strawberry" |
| 46 | + Then I should see "Apple - No, Ananas - No" |
| 47 | + |
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