I've created a basic PHP Micropub client to talk to my WordPress Micropub endpoint. It uses form-urlencoded and calls the endpoint with file_get_contents()
This works all as intended.
When I include an SVG icon in the html content however the endpoint returns a 403 error. It was pointed out to me that this might be an issue with WP core, not with the plugin ( ). However that seems to be about GET requests and urls, not POST requests.
Original HTML that results in 403:
'<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512" width="19" height="19"><path d="M576 240c0 115-129 208-288 208-48.3 0-93.9-8.6-133.9-23.8-40.3 31.2-89.8 50.3-142.4 55.7-5.2.6-10.2-2.8-11.5-7.7-1.3-5 2.7-8.1 6.6-11.8 19.3-18.4 42.7-32.8 51.9-94.6C21.9 330.9 0 287.3 0 240 0 125.1 129 32 288 32s288 93.1 288 208z"/></svg> <em>Some text here</em>
but pairing it down showed that
'some text <svg></svg> more text
also gets a 403 and even
'some text <svg some other text
gets a 403.
If I leave out the first < in the original html it also posts fine, it really is down to the presence of '<svg'