An inlets Pro client can be used to tunnel a service from a local cluster to a remote network or remote Kubernetes cluster.
You should decide whether you want to expose the remote service to the world, or to just the local area network of the exit-server.
You will need to set up an inlets Pro TCP server so that the client has an endpoint to connect to. Create a server manually and then configure inlets-pro, or use inletsctl to create a pre-configured cloud VM, or use the helm chart for the inlets-pro server to install the server into a Pod.
Install arkade, which is used in the tutorial to install Kubernetes software.
curl -sLS | sh # Move to /usr/local/bin/
curl -sLS | sudo sh # Moved automatically.
Install helm with arkade get helm
You also need to add the helm chart repository:
$ helm repo add inlets-pro
$ helm repo update
If your exit server is using Auto TLS, then no additional configuration is required, because the inlets client will default to this mode. Auto TLS is where the server provides its own TLS certificate.
Install OpenFaaS which can be bundled with a Grafana dashboard:
arkade install openfaas
kubectl -n openfaas run \
--image=stefanprodan/faas-grafana:4.6.3 \
--port=3000 \
kubectl -n openfaas expose pod grafana \
--type=ClusterIP \
Now expose the Grafana dashboard via your pre-existing exit-server:
export IP=""
export URL="wss://$IP:8123/connect"
export TOKEN_NAME="grafana-client-secret"
export SERVER_TOKEN="sTbFquOCHP9wLuAOM5E3jTDkygl9mEFDuWEBljY15EIUNwaB7UtVjOv0h9dGEA3L"
export NS="default"
kubectl create secret generic -n $NS \
inlets-license --from-file license=$HOME/.inlets/LICENSE
kubectl create secret generic -n $NS \
$TOKEN_NAME --from-literal token=$SERVER_TOKEN
helm upgrade --install grafana-tunnel inlets-pro/inlets-tcp-client \
--namespace $NS \
--set tokenSecretName=$TOKEN_NAME \
--set url=$URL \
--set ports="3000" \
--set upstream="grafana.openfaas" \
--set autoTLS=true \
--set fullnameOverride="grafana-tunnel"
echo Access Grafana via http://$IP:3000
kubectl logs deploy/grafana-tunnel
If you wish to disable public access to the forwarded ports, look at the reference documentation for inlets Pro for how to bind the data-plane to a local LAN or loopback adapter.
If you are using an IngressController for TLS termination, then you need to disable the Auto TLS feature of inlets Pro (--set autoTLS=false
Install OpenFaaS which bundles Prometheus:
arkade install openfaas
Install the client into the openfaas namespace:
export URL="wss://"
export TOKEN_NAME="prometheus-client-secret"
export SERVER_TOKEN="sqbeua4TKwcNI0xrbGO9j2O3uPUX1t0PewqspESGEyQ5UJInurmzhwoZ"
kubectl create secret generic -n default \
inlets-license --from-file license=$HOME/.inlets/LICENSE
kubectl create secret generic -n default \
$TOKEN_NAME --from-literal token=$SERVER_TOKEN
helm upgrade --install prometheus-tunnel inlets-pro/inlets-tcp-client \
--namespace openfaas \
--set tokenSecretName=$TOKEN_NAME \
--set url=$URL \
--set ports="9090" \
--set upstream="prometheus" \
--set autoTLS=false \
--set fullnameOverride="prometheus-tunnel"
kubectl logs -n openfaas deploy/prometheus-tunnel
Let's say that you want to expose an Ingress Controller like Istio, Traefik or ingress-nginx. You can pre-create your exit-server for a stable IP address, and then connect deploy this chart to connect a client to the exit server and expose the Ingress Controller on the Internet.
Create an exit-server in TCP mode:
inletsctl create \
--access-token-file ~/access-token \
--region lon1 \
--provider digitalocean
Note down the URL, TOKEN and IP address of the exit-server.
Deploy the chart:
export SERVER_TOKEN="" # Populate from above.
export URL="wss://" # Populate from above.
export UPSTREAM="ingress-nginx-controller"
export TOKEN_NAME="nginx-client-secret"
kubectl create secret generic -n default \
inlets-license --from-file license=$HOME/.inlets/LICENSE
kubectl create secret generic -n default \
$TOKEN_NAME --from-literal token=$SERVER_TOKEN
helm upgrade --install nginx-tunnel \
inlets-pro/inlets-tcp-client \
--namespace default \
--set tokenSecretName=$TOKEN_NAME \
--set url=$URL \
--set ports="80\,443" \
--set upstream="$UPSTREAM" \
--set autoTLS=true \
--set fullnameOverride="nginx-tunnel"
The IP will not show within your Kubernetes cluster, but will function as expected. All TCP traffic from ports 80 and 443 will be sent to the IngressController from the exit server.
You can also apply the same technique for Istio or Traefik. Bear in mind that you will need to alter the --namespace
Create any A or CNAME records that you require with the public IP address of the exit-server, and then you can go ahead and use cert-manager to obtain TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt using a HTTP01 or DNS01 challenge.