yolov7-stomata is a machine learning model designed for stomata detection and segmentation, check out the link to lean more.
Task Type | Description |
Instance Segmentation | A vision task to detect and delineate multiple objects of pre-defined categories in an input image. |
To ensure smooth integration, please refer to the compatibility matrix below. It outlines the compatible versions of the model, instill-core
, and the python-sdk
Model Version | Instill-Core Version | Python-SDK Version |
v0.0.1 | <=v0.39.0-beta | <=0.11.0, >=0.10.2 |
v0.1.0 | >v0.39.0-beta | >0.11.0 |
Note: Always ensure that you are using compatible versions to avoid unexpected issues.
Follow this guide to get your custom model up and running! But before you do that, please read through the following sections to have all the necessary files ready.
Install the compatible python-sdk
version according to the compatibility matrix:
pip install instill-sdk=={version}
To download the fine-tuned model weights, please execute the following command:
curl -o model.pt https://artifacts.instill.tech/model/yolov7-stomata/model.pt
After you've built the model image, and before pushing the model onto any Instill Core instance, you can test if the model can be successfully run locally first, by running the following command:
instill run admin/yolov7-stomata -i '{"image-url": "https://microscopyofnature.com/sites/default/files/2022-03/Mais-stomata-ZW10.jpg", "type": "image-url"}'
The input payload should strictly follow the the below format
"image-url": "https://...",
"type": "image-url"
A successful response will return a similar output to that shown below.
2024-09-04 00:17:41,512.512 INFO [Instill] Starting model image...
2024-09-04 00:17:51,820.820 INFO [Instill] Deploying model...
2024-09-04 00:17:53,510.510 INFO [Instill] Running inference...
2024-09-04 00:17:57,564.564 INFO [Instill] Outputs:
"data": {
"objects": [
"bounding-box": {
"height": 40,
"left": 306,
"top": 502,
"width": 67
"category": "outer_line",
"rle": "137,13,23,19,19,22,17,24,15,25,14,27,13,27,13,27,12,29,11,29,11,30,10,31,9,31,9,32,8,33,7,15,3,15,7,15,4,14,7,14,6,13,7,14,6,13,7,14,5,14,7,15,4,14,7,15,4,14,7,16,2,15,7,16,2,15,7,33,7,33,7,33,7,33,7,33,7,33,7,33,7,10,1,22,7,9,3,21,7,8,4,21,7,8,4,21,7,7,6,20,7,7,6,20,7,7,6,20,7,7,6,20,7,7,6,20,7,7,6,19,8,7,6,19,8,7,6,18,9,8,5,17,10,8,4,17,11,8,4,17,11,9,2,17,12,28,12,28,12,27,13,27,13,27,13,26,14,25,15,24,16,23,17,22,18,21,19,20,20,20,21,18,23,15,27,10,59",
"score": 0.9110509753227234
"bounding-box": {
"height": 35,
"left": 93,
"top": 26,
"width": 61
"category": "outer_line",
"rle": "117,13,20,18,15,21,14,22,12,23,11,25,9,27,7,29,5,31,3,32,3,33,2,33,2,33,2,33,2,15,3,15,2,14,5,14,2,14,6,13,2,14,6,13,2,13,7,13,2,13,7,13,2,13,7,13,2,13,7,13,2,13,7,13,2,13,7,13,2,13,7,13,2,14,6,13,2,14,6,13,2,14,6,13,2,14,5,14,2,14,5,14,2,14,5,14,2,15,3,15,2,16,2,15,2,33,2,33,2,33,2,33,2,33,2,33,2,33,2,33,2,32,3,31,4,31,4,30,5,29,6,29,6,28,8,26,9,26,10,24,12,23,13,21,15,19,17,17,20,12,25,9,49",
"score": 0.8888306021690369
"bounding-box": {
"height": 31,
"left": 261,
"top": 336,
"width": 59
"category": "outer_line",
"rle": "11,10,19,17,13,19,11,20,10,22,9,22,8,23,6,25,5,26,5,26,4,27,4,28,3,28,3,28,3,28,3,15,4,9,3,14,6,8,3,14,6,8,3,14,6,8,3,14,6,9,2,14,6,9,2,14,6,9,2,14,6,9,2,14,6,9,2,14,6,9,2,15,4,10,2,29,2,29,2,29,2,29,2,28,3,28,3,28,3,28,3,28,3,28,3,28,3,28,3,28,3,28,3,28,3,27,4,27,4,27,4,27,4,27,4,26,5,25,6,23,8,22,9,21,10,21,11,19,13,17,16,13,21,7,78",
"score": 0.8836774826049805
2024-09-04 00:18:00,141.141 INFO [Instill] Done
Here is the list of flags supported by instill run
- -t, --tag: tag for the model image, default to
- -g, --gpu: to pass through GPU from host into container or not, depends on if
is enabled in the config. - -i, --input: input in json format
Happy Modeling! 💡