When creating an assignment with submission type online and text entry option, students can access the full Rich Content Editor (RCE), including the option to upload documents. This seems counterintuitive, given that Canvas has a file uploads option as well as the text entry option.
Steps to reproduce:
- Create an assignment with submission type online
- Select text entry as one of the online entry options
- As a student, submit the assignment using the text entry option
- Observe that the RCE allows uploading documents
Expected behavior:
The text entry option should only allow students to enter plain text or formatted text, not upload documents, as this is covered in the file uploads option of the assignment.
Actual behavior:
The text entry option allows students to upload documents using the RCE.
Additional notes:
This issue may cause confusion for instructors and students, as well as affect the grading process. It may also create inconsistency with other submission types, such as file uploads or media recordings.