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A demo ILP wallet

This project is being built by the interns at Coil and is NOT ready to use. We'll make a release as soon as it is.


If there are features you think are important feel free to log issues that will help us practice our agile workflow and product management.


A working REST API that exposes the functions of a simple wallet system (accounts, users, transactions etc) and integrates the functions required of an ILSP or wallet that can peer with connectors on the Interledger.

Quickstart Guide

Prerequisites: nodejs, typsecript, docker, docker-compose, mysql.

To run via docker:

Configure the environmental variables in docker-compose.yml. Run npm run docker-run. API requests can be sent to To get the first admin token, login in at with the following JSON { "userName": "admin", "pssword": "admin" }.

To run locally:

After downloading the project, rename sample.env to .env. Configure the options in .env. Run npm install. Run npm run watch-node. API requests can be sent to To get the first admin token, login in at with the following JSON { "userName": "admin", "pssword": "admin" }.


All source code is expected to be TypeScript and is placed in the src folder. Tests are put in the test folder.

The NPM package will not contain any TypeScript files (*.ts) but will have typings and source maps.

Environmental variables

The environmental variable file in the root folder is used to store and configure variables for database management, development, and deployment. This repo is supplied with an example.env.

Please change the example variables to suit your needs.


  • clean : Cleans the build folder and test output
  • build : Builds the project
  • lint : Runs the linter over the project
  • test : Runs the unit tests and produces a code coverage report
  • loadtest : Runs the loadtest and produces an artillery report afterwards


Please see the wiki for a full breakdown on the individual endpoints.


Services used throughout the API

Method Path Token Type Description Expected Body Input Expected Output
post /token Admin/User User login and token signing { userName, pssword } { token }

Tokens are valid for one hour and have to be included as a bearer token in the request header. After deployment, this route can be accessed with username admin and password admin.


Endpoints for user data

Method Path Token Type Description Expected Body Input Expected Output
post /admin Admin Create new user with Admin privileges { userName, pssword } { id, userName, role, dateCreated, deletedAt }
post /users None Create new user with User privileges { userName, pssword } { id, userName, dateCreated }
get /users Admin Return all users as an array of objects None [ { id, userName, dateCreated, deletedAt, role, pssword }, ... ]
get /users/:id Admin/User Return a user specified by id None { id, userName, dateCreated }
put /users/:id Admin Update a user specified by id At least one or any combination of { userName, deletedAt, role, pssword } { id, userName, role, dateCreated, deletedAt }
put /users/:id User Update a user specified by id. User must the user to whom the token was issued At least one or any combination of { userName, pssword } { id, userName, dateCreated }
delete /users/:id Admin/User Soft delete a user specified by id None { id, userName, role, dateCreated, deletedAt }

To undelete a user with .put(/users/:id), deletedAt must be specified as false in the body input.

The resource referenced by the route must be associated with the user to whom the User token was issued.


Endpoints for account data

Method Path Token Type Description Expected Body Input Expected Output
post /accounts Admin/User Add new account to db { name, owner } { id, name, owner, deletedAt, lastUpdated, balance }
get /accounts Admin Return all accounts as an array of objects None [ { id, name, owner, deletedAt, lastUpdated }, ... ]
get /accounts/?owner=[owner] Admin/User Return all accounts associated with specified owner as an array of objects None [ { id, name, owner, deletedAt, lastUpdated }, ... ]
get /accounts/:id Admin/User Return an account specified by id None { id, name, owner, deletedAt, lastUpdated, balance }
put /accounts/:id Admin/User Update an account specified by id { name } { id, name, owner, deletedAt, lastUpdated, balance }
delete /accounts/:id Admin/User Soft delete an account specified by id None { id, name, owner, deletedAt, lastUpdated, balance }

The resource referenced by the route must be associated with the user to whom the User token was issued.


Endpoints for transaction data

Method Path Token Type Description Expected Body Input Expected Output
post /transactions Admin/User Add transaction { debitAccountId, creditAccountId, amount } { id, debitAccountId, creditAccountId, amount, date }
get /transactions Admin Return all transactions as an array of objects None [ { id, debitAccountId, creditAccountId, amount, date }, ... ]
get /transaction/?account=[account] Admin/User Return all transactions associated with specified account as an array of objects None [ { id, debitAccountId, creditAccountId, amount, date }, ... ]
get /transactions/:id Admin/User Return transaction specified by id as an object None { id, debitAccountId, creditAccountId, amount, date }

To create a new transaction resource, the user to whom the User token was issued must be the owner of the account which will be debited.

To read a transaction resource, the user to whom the User token was issued must be the owner of the account being referenced by the transaction.