vscode-sqltools uses the generic autocomplete parser from Hue - in plugins/intellisense/language-server.ts:
import sqlAutocompleteParser from 'gethue/parsers/genericAutocompleteParser.js';
This falls over on certain valid aspects of IRIS SQL syntax - e.g,. implicit joins (arrow syntax) and operators/functions that are ObjectScript-specific. (This is the actual root cause for what I observed in #32 .) Predictably, in a file using such syntax, autocomplete fails after the unrecognized string.
Fixing this would require an upstream change to allow a driver to provide its own autocomplete parser, then actually implementing such a parser (see: Theoretically existing concepts from the generic autocomplete parser would transfer (although it seems that reliance on the autocomplete parser in vscode-tools might run too deep to be generic; e.g., there's a reference to id.cte
and we don't support CTEs in IRIS SQL at this point). From some poking around in the Hue docs I think we'd probably run into issues with arrow syntax specifically - the "table" context is dependent on metadata on the server (what's the type of the column?), not just the SQL syntax.