A lot of information can be found online for FreeRADIUS, but most of this information is out-of-date or incorrect. Avoid third party documentation refer to the documentation created by FreeRADIUS and InkBridge Networks as outlined below:
There are several mailing lists associated with the FreeRADIUS server project. The lists are on the freeRADIUS website. The current lists are:
freeradius-users This list is for all users of FreeRADIUS and deals with general questions related to FreeRADIUS
freeradius-devel This list is for developers who are writing code for FreeRADIUS.The content is highly technical and is not suited to the average user.
reeradius-announce This list is for all users of FreeRADIUS. Announcements about FreeRADIUS, including new versions and security issues, are made here.
Inkbridge Networks offers a range of training courses to meet your needs. Courses include:
Introduction to RADIUS is an introductory course for all administrators who are unfamiliar with RADIUS. Basic RADIUS concepts that are key to understanding RADIUS-based systems are introduced.
Advanced RADIUS is a course for senior administrators who are already familiar with RADIUS. It introduces advanced RADIUS concepts that will help system administrators design, deploy, maintain and debug their systems.
Programming with RADIUS is a course for developers who wish to create their own customized solutions.
Our goal at InkBridge Networks is to help you build a world-class system and to make sure it operates smoothly. InkBridge Networks are experts at designing a customized RADIUS solution that meet your needs. Your customized network will include the appropriate number of RADIUS and database servers for your particular business needs. We install the RADIUS server and database and generate the necessary tables, schemas, queries, and replication.
We can configure multiple forms of authorization on the same system simultaneously. The system can include:
Authentication against Active Directory
MAC authentication
MAC auth bypass (MAB)
Existing systems can be migrated to our product or we can configure our product to work with your databases. The final result is a system that is robust, high performance, and easy to maintain. Contact us at [email protected] for more information.