Like pip
, uv
caches package downloads to support quick installation.
Currently, the launcher uses the system uv
cache. Occasionally, a package gets borked - presumably during or after the wheel is extracted, because the actual downloads from PyPI (i.e. the wheels) are hashed and checked.
When this happens, we need to evict the offending packages from the uv
cache. The launcher docs and Invoke quick-start docs both describe how to clear the uv
cache by running a command in the dev console.
It would be nice if repair mode did this for the user. Unfortunately, the command cleans the whole uv
cache. This is rather rude to those who use uv
for things other than Invoke - it wipes out their cache and forces all packages to be re-downloaded.
Well, what if we had uv
use a separate cache for Invoke? It's possible, but those who use uv
for other things could have a lot of duplicated cached packages. So that's also kinda rude.
If we did make the switch to using a separate cache, we'd be doubling disk usage for existing users. Their uv
system cache would still be full from their last Invoke install, but then we are we are making and downloading everything to a new cache!