This is not a top priority, but I do think it is a papercut for me, would love feedback if it is for others to see if it is bothersome.
I understand why the default layout has a split console / report preview, but we don't have a good way of letting users do work with a layout they'd prefer without clicking and dragging every time a notebook loads. I, for instance, usually just want to work with the console itself for a big chunk of time until I'm ready to make a report.
Right now, every time I load a notebook, I have to click and drag panes in the way I want. if I end up reloading the page for some reason or close the window, I have to do that again. It feels like a really heavy UX interaction to me - at least, I feel pretty annoyed when I have to reorder the panes by clicking and dragging things each time.
Everyone is going to have a different preference regarding this dynamic, and that's to be expected with a tool like this. I think there are probably a few ways to go about making this easier:
(1) for each notebook, save a users' last accessed layout, so if I jump back into a notebook later, it has the view I want, not the default one.
(2) have some small dropdown on the top right (under the toolbar) that lets me click, pick a different layout, and I get that layout. The three-paned default view could be one, as well as an "editor on one side, everything else on the other w/ console selected on start", and maybe the same as the previous one but report view. It might be a lot easier for users to click twice than click and drag to get what they want.
Ideas and feedback welcome on this.