The generate references script file is a great tool.
However, some times the order of the references is wrong. Unfortunately FSI is very picky about this. This happens when you have a project reference that references a nuget package. When the project reference appears before the nuget package an you load the references.fsx file in the FSI, the FSI cannot interpret the code in the project reference that uses the nuget package.
For example:
#r @"/.nuget/packages/mathnet.numerics/4.4.0/lib/netstandard2.0/MathNet.Numerics.dll"
#r @"l/Development/GenFormService/src/Informedica.GenUnits.Lib/bin/Debug/netstandard2.0/Informedica.GenUnits.Lib.dll"
The Informedica.GenUnits.Lib uses MathNet.Numerics, so the reference to MathNet.Numerics should appear before Informedica.GenUnits.Lib.