The goal if the org and this repo is to have easier admin organisation, and centralize small snippets.
Basically everyone is owner, so we can make simple bug fixes, or help users when one of us is unavaillable.
For small one file extension, we decided it was easier to have 1 repo with small file, but if you want 1 repo only for your extension, and be admin on it it's doable too.
It just much easier to point user to ipython-contrib than to remember the extension A in on github/carreau, extension B is on MinnRK, extension C is fperez_org, and have to bother the repo owner if the extension becomes unmaintained to add new contributors, people with commit rights.
So if you want to migrate your extension here, I would be happy to give you owner right, I like a few other from the org to agree too.
Is that more clear ?
It will be easier to discuss here than in 140 in Twitter.