In ipykernel 5.5.6,both <control_stream> and <shell_stream> put msgs into <msg_queue> and process the msg with <schedule_dispatch>. Although both <dispatch_control> and <dispatch_shell> publish the <status: busy/idle>,there are no conflicts.
When it comes to ipykernel 6.5.0, <control_stream> put msgs into <control_queue> and process the msg with <dispatch_control>, while shell_stream still works in the old way. This means <process_control> and <dispatch_shell> will publish the <status: busy/idle> in the same time.
I found this problem in jupyterlab when i executed a cell(sleep 600s) in an ipykernel with <metadata: {debugger: True}>,i switched to another ipynb and switched back. The cell was still running, but the kernel execution_state became idle. Then i found the ipykernel received multi <debug_requests> and published the status to idle.
As said "Debug requests and replies are sent over the control channel to prevent queuing behind execution requests". It confuses me that why control_requests affect the kernel's execution_state? Should we use another state like control_state?