Outstanding task on client but hub says completed when using broadcast view #882
I want to purge_everything
or purge_local_results
but I'm getting RuntimeError: Can't purge outstanding tasks: ...
The reason I want to purge is that after a couple of tasks my engines memory seems to get full and slows down the process. I'm trying to figure out if it's a memory issue related to ipyparallel or something related to the tasks.
Here is a rough sketch of what I'm doing:
do some setup:
from ipyparallel import Client, Reference
rc = Client(client_args, client_kwargs)
view = rc.broadcast_view(view_args, view_kwargs)
view.is_coalescing = False
view.apply_sync( # do some setup stuff )
ar = view.apply( # do the real work, and pickle it)
fvs = np.array(sum([pickle.loads(fv) for fv in ar.get()],[]))
view.client.purge_local_results('all') # this says there are outstanding tasks
view.client.queue_status() # this says all tasks are complete