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This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 18, 2024. It is now read-only.

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  • Python 3.9.10 with TensorFlow Agents version 0.10.0
  • ROS Melodic
  • libfranka 0.9.0
  • franka_ros 0.9.0 + commits
  • Tested with Franka Emika Panda Robot system version 4.2.1

Installation and Policy Execution

  1. Create a ROS catkin workspace with the following packages:
  1. Download a checkpoint from here and unzip it in the policies directory. Denote its path as policies/$EXP_NAME. Also note the $CKPT_NAME from that table.
  2. Activate the catkin workspace created above, and then launch: roslaunch softgrasp_ros_controllers policy_name:=softgrasp robot_ip:=<robot IP> exp_name:=$EXP_NAME ckpt_dirname:=$CKPT_NAME.


  • src/tf_policy_controller.cpp implements a ROS controller that
    • creates a "goal" for the policy server using robot model and state
    • composes the current EEF pose with pose delta predicted by the policy server to get EEF target
    • runs high-frequency task space impedance control with the EEF target
  • policy server is implemented by Python3 nodes in nodes
  • policy observation and action are in (pos, quat) format
  • chrony time synchronization

sim-to-real alignment

  • Match kp from robosuite osc_pose.json with franka_example_controllers/cfg/compliance_param.yaml on the realtime ROS computer
  • Match {input,output}_{min,max} from osc_pose.json with those variables in TFPolicyActionServer

Circle sanity check

  • Run sim.launch or real.launch with policy_name:=circle
  • rosbag record tf tf_static -o $HOME/circle.bag
  • roslaunch softgrasp_ros_controllers circle_sanity_check.launch bag_filename:=$HOME/circle.bag

Static Poses

They are stored in launch/static_poses.launch.

  • cTw contains the output of marker_pose from softgrasp_ros with just the table-affixed marker visible
  • cTg contains the ouput of marker_pose from softgrasp_ros with the table-affixed marker occluded and goal marker card visible
  • When the camera location is moved, update both cTw and cTg static transform broadcasters
  • Procedure for wTb:
    • keep just cTw uncommented
    • roslaunch softgrasp_ros_controllers static_poses.launch
    • roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
    • roslaunch <camera_pose.launch>, where camera_pose.launch is the launch file generated by the hand-eye calibration
    • rosrun tf tf_echo world_table panda_link0
    • Copy-paste its output to wTb, remembering to either normalize the quaternion, or if using Euler angles, reverse the order of RPY because TF's static transform broadcaster requires YPR
  • The camera_link_broadcaster node in <camera_pose.launch> contains the info generated by hand-eye calibration