cannot create athena discord payload with obfuscar #436
hello, i was playing around with some payloads and everytime i tried to generate a new discord athena payload while the obfuscar option is on, it always fails to generate. Please see the following error message.
Build Message:
Processing C2 Profile - discord:
Step 1/3 - Issuing OPSEC Check
Not Implemented, passing by default
Step 2/3 - Issuing Config Check
Not Implemented
Input: {
"c2_profile_name": "discord",
"parameters": {
"dec_key": "nZm94ciDWyaMGt3ZznbJpYtLJ8f2DqMfrXsgUAYRnOM=",
"enc_key": "nZm94ciDWyaMGt3ZznbJpYtLJ8f2DqMfrXsgUAYRnOM=",
"value": "aes256_hmac"
"bot_channel": "",
"callback_interval": "60",
"callback_jitter": "10",
"discord_token": "",
"encrypted_exchange_check": "T",
"killdate": "2026-01-18",
"message_checks": "10",
"proxy_host": "",
"proxy_pass": "",
"proxy_port": "",
"proxy_user": "",
"time_between_checks": "10",
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"
Step 3/3 - Issuing Start command
Sending Build command
Error occurred while building payload. Check stderr for more information.
Error building payload: b'/tmp/tmpuyi4va9i07c73ae7-53c7-4a81-9ad3-a2059eefc247/Agent.Models/Agent.Models.csproj(11,3): error MSB3073: The command "python ../ Agent.Models 'Undefined' Release" exited with code 127.\n'
dotnet publish AthenaCore -r win-x64 -c Release --nologo -v q --property WarningLevel=0 /clp:ErrorsOnly --self-contained=True /p:PublishSingleFile=True /p:EnableCompressionInSingleFile=True /p:PublishTrimmed=False /p:Obfuscate=True /p:PublishAOT=False /p:DebugType=None /p:DebugSymbols=false /p:PluginsOnly=false /p:HandlerOS=windows /p:UseSystemResourceKeys=False /p:InvariantGlobalization=False /p:StackTraceSupport=True /p:PayloadUUID=07c73ae7-53c7-4a81-9ad3-a2059eefc247 /p:WindowsService=False /p:RandomName=ZH9EQHYDAH