📖 Link Materials to Class Agenda:
- Slides (make a copy for your program - link the copy)
- Coding Exercise(s)
- Exit Ticket
👋 Welcome & Do Now (10) :
- Begin the session with a welcome message and a short activity to engage students.
- Have students complete the Do Now.
➰ for loops (15) :
- Introduction and review of for loops and their functionality.
- Walkthrough of for loop syntax and example code.
- Engage students with questions related to the for loop code structure and its components.
💻 Code Along (10) :
- Guided coding exercise. Students code along with the instructor.
- Guided coding exercise. Students code along with the instructor.
📑 Documentation (5) :
- Discuss the importance of documentation and online resources.
- Introduce students to various platforms where they can find coding help.
- Equip students with the knowledge and habit of utilizing documentation and other resources for self-learning and troubleshooting.
⏳ Break (10)
🪳 Debugging (5) :
- Introduction to debugging strategies and practices.
- Prepare students to troubleshoot and resolve coding errors effectively.
➰ forEach + for of loops (15) :
- Introduce forEach and for of loops with coding examples.
- Briefly compare and contrast these loops with for loops.
- Explain the difference between forEach, for of, and for loops.
💻 Code Solo (25) :
- Have students work in small groups or independently.
- They should complete tasks 1-6 and are encouraged to try bonus tasks.
- Remind students that Googling and seeking solutions is a critical skill.
👋 Closing (10) :
- Direct students to the Exit Ticket in the Class Agenda.
- Ensure they submit before leaving.