📖 Link Materials to Class Agenda:
- Slides (make a copy for your program - link the copy)
- Coding Exercise(s), Part 1
- Coding Exercise(s), Part 2
- Exit Ticket
👋 Welcome & Do Now (10) :
- Begin the session with a welcome message and a short activity to engage students.
- Have students complete the Do Now.
🔄 Kahoot Review (10) :
- Engage students with a React Review Kahoot game to refresh their memory about previous lessons.
- Teachers should pay close attention to questions students struggle with to guide the review.
- Adjust Kahoot questions as needed based on students’ needs.
⚛ React Review (15) :
- Discuss the basics of React, emphasizing components and JSX.
- Explain components as functions returning JSX and review JSX syntax with students.
- Highlight the use of props to make components reusable and dynamic.
💻 Code Along (10) :
- Guide students through coding along with you to create a React application using components, JSX, and props.
- Focus on creating a menu for the Code Nation Creamery website using React.
💻 Code Solo (15) :
- Allow students time to work on a solo coding exercise where they create a React app providing information on famous musical acts.
- Offer extension activities for early finishers.
⏳ Break (10)
💻 Project Work Time (40) :
- Students continue working on Components, JSX, and Props for their Trivia project.
- Direct students to focus on rendering a “Next Question” button on the screen as part of Goal 2.
- Early finishers can work on styling or complete the extension activity from the solo exercise.
👋 Exit Ticket & Closing (10) :
- Direct students to the Exit Ticket in the Class Agenda.
- Ensure they submit before leaving.