📖 Link Materials to Class Agenda:
- Slides (make a copy for your program - link the copy)
- No coding exercises for students to fork. They will primarily work on projects.
- Project Submission Form
👋 Welcome & Do Now (10) :
- Briefly welcome students and introduce the day's objectives.
- Conduct an icebreaker activity (details to be added by the lead volunteer).
- Create a short Do Now activity that meets students' needs. (optional)
</> Conditionals & Loops (20) :
- Conditionals
- Start with a brief review of JSX and its role in embedding JavaScript in HTML-like syntax.
- Discuss conditional rendering using props, highlighting how to display different content based on certain conditions.
- Illustrate with examples how to change className based on component state for dynamic styling. Engage students in thinking about practical applications of conditional rendering in their projects through group discussion.
- Loops
- Explain the map() method as a tool for iterating over arrays and applying a function to each element.
- Show how map() can be used to render multiple components, such as a list of options or images.
- Encourage students to think of ways loops can enhance their projects and share ideas in breakout groups.
- Conditionals
💻 Project Time, Part 1 (30) :
- Start with a team scrum to discuss goals and tasks.
- Allocate time for coding, with periodic check-ins to reassess progress.
- Emphasize the use of documentation and online resources for troubleshooting and learning.
⏳ Break (5)
💻 Project Time, Part 2 (30) :
- Start with a team scrum to discuss goals and tasks.
- Allocate time for coding, with periodic check-ins to reassess progress.
- Emphasize the use of documentation and online resources for troubleshooting and learning.
👋 Closing (10) :
- Direct students to the Exit Ticket in the Class Agenda.
- Ensure they submit before leaving.