📖 Upload as Material in Google Classroom:
- Slides (make a copy for your program - upload the copy)
- Coding Exercise(s)
📝 Upload as Assignment in Google Classroom (5 points):
- Exit Ticket (DO NOT MAKE A COPY - upload as link)
👋 Welcome & Do Now (5) :
- Instruct students to open the script.js file.
- Ask students to complete the tasks listed in the file.
- Discuss the question "What does .style do in JavaScript?"
✨ DOM & Styling (5) :
- Discuss how sometimes we need to change the style of a web page during interactions. Examples include:
- Changing the background color of the page.
- Modifying the color of a font.
- Toggling the visibility of an image.
- Explain how .style is a property used to modify or add CSS styling of a webpage.
- Point out how CSS properties with two words are camel cased in JavaScript.
💻 Code Along (5) :
- Complete only the first task together.
- Live code and explain the process of manipulating DOM elements with .style properties.
- Encourage students to code alongside you for hands-on learning.
💻 Code Solo (20) :
- Students will practice the concepts taught, independently.
- Instruct students to complete the remaining tasks on their own.
- Encourage them to search online for CSS properties and values they might not remember.
👋 Exit Ticket & Closing (5) :
- Instruct students to navigate to Lesson 3.5 - DOM Manipulation, Part 2 Exit Ticket in Google Classroom.
- They should complete and submit the exit ticket.
- Emphasize to students the importance of double-checking that they've submitted their exit ticket.
- n/a