📖 Upload as Material in Google Classroom:
- Slides (make a copy for your program - upload the copy)
- There are no coding exercises for this lesson. Students will start their unit project.
📝 Upload as Assignment in Google Classroom (Ungraded):
- Unit 4 Project Plan (choose the dropdown option: "Make a copy for each student")
- Project Submission Form (DO NOT MAKE A COPY - upload as link)
🗣️ Class Quiz & Share Out (7) :
- Lead volunteer to introduce the icebreaker activity.
- Complete a Buzzfeed Quiz together as a class.
- Share out responses.
👀 Project Introduction (5) :
- Present the Unit 4 project to the class.
- Reveal the project: "Buzzfeed-Like Quiz"
- Explain requirements, coding technologies, and due date.
- Discuss examples of possible topics and features.
💡 Inspiration & Ideas (6) :
- Open the Project Planning Document in Google Classroom.
- Students explore example websites for inspiration.
- Discuss common features, informative elements, and design aspects.
🧠 Brainstorming Demo (5) :
- Lead teacher should do a walk-through of how to complete the brainstorming section.
- Answer any questions students may have.
📝 Project Planning (15) :
- Brainstorming Time:
- Fill out the "Brainstorming" section.
- Reflect on the day's progress, challenges, and next steps.
- Shoutouts for accomplishments.
- Brainstorming Time:
👋 Exit Ticket & Closing (5)
- Go to the Lesson 4.8 - Project Intro & Brainstorming Exit Ticket in Google Classroom.
- Ensure submission of project plan for the exit ticket.
- Closing remarks.
- n/a
- n/a