Please validate the Excel (.xlsx) document in the attached ZIP file and share your approval. Any necessary adjustments should be responded to in this email, and after the adjustments, a new document will be generated for validation and approval.
Users Tab: Check if all users should exist in the environment based on their email (column A) or username (column K). Users who have been terminated can only be present in the list if column "M" is "True", indicating that the user is suspended. Column "H" shows the last login date and can help decide whether to maintain account access. Note that users who do not belong to a natural person (such as generic/non-nominal users) should not be maintained.
Groups Tab: Check if all groups should exist in the environment based on their email (column A) or group name (column C). Verify if the listed users (column F) should have access to the message history and receive messages sent to the group.
- Note: "abuse," "postmaster," and "security" groups are restricted for use by the technology infrastructure.
TeamDriveACLs Tab: Check if all Shared Drives should exist in the environment based on their name (column C). Each user with access to the shared drive is listed in a new row; verify if the listed user (column H) should have access to the Shared Drive indicated in the same row (column C). Also, check if each user's permission is appropriate for their role (column N).
Permission Descriptions:
- organizer: Admin permission, has full control over the Shared Drive.
- fileOrganizer: Content admin permission, has full control over files but cannot change Shared Drive settings.
- writer: Write permission, can create and modify files but some data destruction functions are restricted.
- reader: Read permission, cannot modify files.