- Pin agent version to 1.62.0 (#2790, @rubenvp8510)
- Added compatibility for Jaeger Operator v1.61.x and v1.62.x (#2725, @mooneeb)
- TRACING-4238 | Fix gatewat 502 timeout (#2694, @pavolloffay)
- feat: added missing test for elasticsearch reconciler (#2662, @Ankit152)
- Bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.66.0 to 1.66.1 (#2675, @dependabot[bot])
- Bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.65.0 to 1.66.0 (#2670, @dependabot[bot])
- Bump the opentelemetry group with 9 updates (#2668, @dependabot[bot])
- Fix Golang version in go.mod (#2652, @iblancasa)
- Test on k8s 1.30 (#2647, @pavolloffay)
- Bump go to 1.22 and controller-gen to 1.14 (#2646, @pavolloffay)
- Update compatibility matrix for v1.57.x (#2594, @mooneeb)
- imagePullSecrets is not set for agent DaemonSet (#2563, @antoniomerlin)
- Add server URL to JaegerMetricsStorageSpec (#2481, @antoniomerlin)
- Use the host set in the Ingess field for the OpenShift Route (#2409, @iblancasa)
- Add minimum Kubernetes and OpenShift versions (#2492, @andreasgerstmayr)
- Choose the newer autoscaling version by default (#2374, @iblancasa)
- Upgrade operator-sdk to 1.32.0 (#2388, @iblancasa)
- Fix containerImage field and remove statement about failing CI (#2386, @iblancasa)
- Fix injection: prefer jaeger in the same namespace (#2383, @pavolloffay)
- Add missing container security context settings and tests (#2354, @tingeltangelthomas)
- Support configuring images via RELATED_IMAGE_ environment variables (#2355, @andreasgerstmayr)
- Regenerate ES certificated when is close to 1 day for expire (#2356, @rubenvp8510)
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#2316, @dependabot[bot])
- bump grpc to 1.58.3 (#2346, @rubenvp8510)
- Bump golang version to 1.21 (#2347, @rubenvp8510)
- Ensure oauth-proxy ImageStream is detected eventually (#2340, @bverschueren)
- Check if envFrom has ConfigMapRef set (#2342, @edwardecook)
- Bump golang.org/x/net from 0.13.0 to 0.17.0 (#2343, @dependabot[bot])
- Fix issue related to new encoding in oauth-proxy image (#2345, @iblancasa)
- Always generate new oauth-proxy password (#2333, @pavolloffay)
- Add v1.48.x and v1.49.x to the support map (#2332, @ishaqkhattana)
- Pass proxy env vars to operands (#2330, @pavolloffay)
- Protect auth delegator behind a mutex (#2318, @iblancasa)
- fix: protect the kafka-profision setting behind a mutex (#2308, @iblancasa)
- Use base image that does not require subscription (centos 9 stream) (#2313, @pavolloffay)
- Update go dependencies to Kubernetes 0.28.1 (#2301, @pavolloffay)
- Protect the ESProvisioning setting behind a mutex (#2287, @iblancasa)
- Remove the TokenReview after checking we can create it (#2286, @iblancasa)
- Fix apiVersion and kind are missing in jaeger-operator generate output (#2281, @hiteshwani29)
- Fix custom labels for the deployable components in production strategy (#2277, @hiteshwani29)
- Ensure the OAuth Proxy image detection is run after the platform detection (#2280, @iblancasa)
- Added changes to respect env variable set from envFrom configMaps (#2272, @hiteshwani29)
- Refactor the autodetect module to reduce the number of writes/reads in viper configuration (#2274, @iblancasa)
- Expose admin ports for agent, collector, and query Deployments via the equivalent Service (#2262, @thomaspaulin)
- update otel sdk to v1.16.0/v0.39.0 (#2261, @frzifus)
- Extended compatibility matrix (#2255, @shazib-summar)
- Add support for Kubernetes 1.27 (#2235, @iblancasa)
- Jaeger Collector Config:
(#2242, @taj-p)
- Missing exposed port 16685 in query deployments (#2239, @iblancasa)
- Use Golang 1.20 (#2205, @iblancasa)
- [BugFix] Properly set imagePullPolicy and containerSecurityContext for EsIndexCleaner cronjob container (#2224, @michalschott)
- Remove resource limitation for the operator pod (#2221, @iblancasa)
- Add PriorityClass for AllInOne strategy (#2218, @sonofgibs)
- Feat: add
to jaeger collector, query, and ingestor (#2200, @AhmedGrati)
- update operator-sdk to 1.27.0 (#2178, @iblancasa)
- Support JaegerCommonSpec in JaegerCassandraCreateSchemaSpec (#2176, @haanhvu)
- Upgrade Kafka Operator default version to 0.32.0 (#2150, @iblancasa)
- Upgrade Kind, Kind images and add Kubernetes 1.26 (#2161, @iblancasa)
- Fix the Jaeger version for the Jaeger Operator 1.41.x (#2157, @iblancasa)
- Support e2e tests on multi architecture environment (#2139, @jkandasa)
- limit the get of deployments to WATCH_NAMESPACE on sync (#2126, @rubenvp8510)
- choose first server address (#2087, @Efrat19)
- Fix query ingress when using streaming strategy (#2120, @kevinearls)
- Fix Liveness Probe for Ingester and Query (#2122, @ricoberger)
- Fix for min tls version to v1.2 (#2119, @kangsheng89)
- Add ability to specify es proxy resources (#2079, @rubenvp8510)
- Fix: CVE-2022-27664 (#2081, @albertlockett)
- Add liveness and readiness probes to injected sidecar (#2077, @MacroPower)
- Add http- port prefix to follow istio naming conventions (#2075, @cnvergence)
- added pathType to ingress (#2066, @giautm)
- set alias enable variable for spark cronjob (#2061, @miyunari)
- migrate autoscaling v2beta2 to v2 for Kubernetes 1.26 (#2055, @iblancasa)
- add container security context support (#2033, @mjnagel)
- change verbosity level and message of the log for autoprovisioned kafka (#2026, @iblancasa)
- Upgrade operator-sdk to 1.22.2 (#2021, @iblancasa)
- es-dependencies: support image pull secret (#2012, @frzifus)
- added flag to change webhook port (#1991, @klubi)
- Upgrade operator-sdk to 1.22.0 (#1951, @iblancasa)
- Add elasticsearch storage date format config. (#1325, @sniperking1234)
- Add support for custom liveness probe (#1605, @ricoberger)
- Add service annotations (#1526, @herbguo)
- fix: point to a newer openshift oauth image 4.12 (#1955, @frzifus)
- Expose OTLP collector and allInOne ports (#1948, @rubenvp8510)
- Add support for ImagePullSecrets in cronjobs (#1935, @alexandrevilain)
- fix: ocp es rollover #1932 (#1937, @frzifus)
- add kafkaSecretName for collector and ingester (#1910, @luohua13)
- Add autoscalability E2E test for OpenShift (#1936, @iblancasa)
- Fix version in Docker container. (#1924, @iblancasa)
- Verify namespace permissions before adding ns controller (#1914, @rubenvp8510)
- fix: skip dependencies on openshift platform (#1921, @frzifus)
- fix: remove common name label (#1920, @frzifus)
- Ignore not found error on 1.31.0 upgrade routine (#1913, @rubenvp8510)
Fix: storage.es.tls.enabled flag not passed to es-index-cleaner (#1896, @indigostar-kr)
- Fix: jaeger operator fails to parse Jaeger instance version (#1885, @rubenvp8510)
- Support Kubernetes 1.24 (#1882, @iblancasa)
- Cronjob migration (#1856, @kevinearls)
- Fix: setting default Istio annotation in Pod instead of Deployment (#1860, @cnvergence)
- Add http- prefix to port names in collector and agent services (#1862, @cnvergence)
- Adding priority-class for esIndexCleaner (#1732, @swapnilpotnis)
- Fix: webhook deadlock (#1850, @frzifus)
- Fix: take namespace modifications into account (#1839, @frzifus)
- Replace deployment reconciler with webhook (#1828, @frzifus)
- Add managed by metric (#1831, @rubenvp8510)
- Fix admissionReviews version for operator-sdk upgrade (#1827, @kevinearls)
- Make RHOL Elasticsearch cert-management feature optional (#1824, @pavolloffay)
- Update the operator-sdk to v1.17.0 (#1825, @kevinearls)
- Fix metrics selectors (#1742, @rubenvp8510)
- Custom Image Pull Policy (#1798, @edenkoveshi)
- add METRICS_STORAGE_TYPE for metrics query (#1755, @JaredTan95)
- Make operator more resiliant to etcd defrag activity (#1795, @pavolloffay)
- Automatically set num shards and replicas from referenced OCP ES (#1737, @pavolloffay)
- support image pull secrets (#1740, @frzifus)
- Fix webhook secret cert name (#1772, @rubenvp8510)
- Fix panic caused by an invalid type assertion (#1738, @frzifus)
- Add ES autoprovisioning CR metric (#1728, @rubenvp8510)
- Use Elasticsearch provisioning from OpenShift Elasticsearch operator (#1708, @pavolloffay)
- Only expose the query-http[s] port in the OpenShift route (#1719, @rkukura)
- Add CR Metrics for Jaeger Kind. (#1706, @rubenvp8510)
- Avoid calling k8s api for each resource kind on the cluster (#1712, @rubenvp8510)
- First call of autodetect should be synchronous (#1713, @rubenvp8510)
- Add permissions for imagestreams (#1714, @rubenvp8510)
- Restore default metrics port to avoid breaking helm (#1703, @rubenvp8510)
- Add leases permissions to manifest. (#1704, @rubenvp8510)
- Change spark-dependencies image to GHCR (#1701, @pavolloffay)
- Register ES types (#1688, @rubenvp8510)
- Add support for IBM Power (ppc64le) arch (#1672, @Abhijit-Mane)
- util.Truncate add the values to the truncated after the excess is 0 (#1678, @mmatache)
- Register oschema for openshift resources (#1673, @rubenvp8510)
- Fix default namespace (#1651, @rubenvp8510)
- Fix finding the correct instance when there are multiple jaeger instances during injecting the sidecar (#1639, @alibo)
- Migrate to operator-sdk 1.13 (#1623, @rubenvp8510)
- Use CRDs to detect features in the cluster (#1608, @pavolloffay)
- Make ServiceMonitor creation optional (#1323, @igorwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww)
- Change default OpenShift query ingress SAR to pods in the jaeger namespace (#1583, @pavolloffay)
- Fix gRPC flags for OpenShift when 'reporter.grpc.host-port' is defined (#1584, @Git-Jiro)
- Allow sidecar injection for query pod from other Jaeger instances (#1569, @pavolloffay)
- Avoid touching jaeger deps on deployment/ns controller (#1529, @rubenvp8510)
- Add ingressClassName field to query ingress (#1557, @rubenvp8510)
- Add disconnected annotation to csv (#1536, @rubenvp8510)
- Add support repetitive arguments to operand (#1434, @rubenvp8510)
- Allow TLS flags to be disabled (#1440, @rubenvp8510)
- Add gRPC port for jaeger-query into its service resource (#1521, @rubenvp8510)
- Sidecar removed when annotation is false (#1508, @mfz85)
- Add support for GRPC storage plugin (#1517, @pavolloffay)
- Fix overwritten default labels in label selectors of
(#1490, @rudeigerc) - Add resources requests and limits to the operator (#1515, @brunopadz)
- Instrument instances types (#1484, @rubenvp8510)
- Include OIDC plugin in binary (#1501, @esnible)
- Update jaeger operator to support strimzi operator 0.23.0 (#1495, @rubenvp8510)
- Feature/add deployment strategy to crd (#1499, @ethernoy)
- Add cassandraCreateSchema affinity (#1475, @chasekiefer)
- Allow to pass ES_TIME_RANGE var to Spark dependencies job (#1481, @Gr1N)
- Pass secretName to cassandra dependencies job (#1162) (#1447, @Gerrit-K)
- Implement backoff limit for jobs (#1468, @chasekiefer)
- Remove OwnerReferences from CA configmaps (#1467, @rubenvp8510)
- Add compatibility matrix (#1465, @jpkrohling)
- Promote crd to apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 (#1456, @rubenvp8510)
- Add preserve unknown fields annotation to FreeForm and Options fields (#1435, @rubenvp8510)
- Migrate remaining flags and some env vars to 1.22 (#1449, @rubenvp8510)
- Fix override storage and ingress values when upgrade to 1.22 (#1439, @rubenvp8510)
- Add agent dnsPolicy option (#1370, @faceair)
- Allow configure custom certificates to collector (#1418, @rubenvp8510)
- Add support for NodePort in Jaeger Query Service (#1394, @CSP197)
- Add ability to indicate PriorityClass for collector and query (#1413, @majidazimi)
- simplest example file should be as simplest (#1404, @jkandasa)
- Add ability to indicate PriorityClass for agent (#1392, @elkh510)
- Migrate jaeger.tags in existing CRs (#1380, @jpkrohling)
- Remove support for the experimental OpenTelemetry-based Jaeger (#1379, @jpkrohling)
- Fix way we force es secret reconcile (#1374, @kevinearls)
- added the codeql.yml (#1313, @KrishnaSindhur)
- Fix service port naming convention (#1368, @lujiajing1126)
- Add volumes and volume-mounts for spark dependencies (#1359, @kevinearls)
- Create missing CA config maps on deployment controller (#1347, @jpkrohling)
- set non root group (#1339, @UsaninMax)
- Kafka 2.4 not supported by RH AMQ operator 1.6 (#1335, @jkandasa)
- Trigger deployments reconciliation when jaeger instance is created (#1334, @rubenvp8510)
- Copy common spec to avoid touching persisted CR spec (#1333, @rubenvp8510)
- Try to resolve container.name from the injected agent args (#1319, @lujiajing1126)
- Fix typo in CONTRIBUTING.md (#1321, @sniperking1234)
- Fixes jaeger version (#1311, @rubenvp8510)
1.21.1 (2020-11-19)
- Update UI documentation link if is present (#1290, @rubenvp8510)
- Regenerate self-provisioned ES TLS cert when it's outdated (#1301, @kevinearls)
- Enable tolerations support in elasticsearch config (#1296, @kevinearls)
- Update github.com/miekg/dns to v1.1.35 (#1298, @objectiser)
- Add serviceType for the collector service (#1286, @sschne)
- Add env var JAEGER_DISABLED (#1285, @sschne)
- Fix secret creation when using self provisioned elasticsearch instances (#1288, @kevinearls)
- Convert storage type to typed string (#1282, @SezalAgrawal)
- Use New Admin Port Flag (#1281, @johanavril)
- Update instances status using client.Status().update interface (#1253, @rubenvp8510)
- Remove gRPC host-port from being added to the CR (agent) (#1272, @jpkrohling)
- Sync OTEL config volume/mount and args (#1268, @jpkrohling)
- Publish container - dockerx should not use tag BUILD_IMAGE (#1270, @morlay)
- Speed up buildx process (#1267, @morlay)
- Fix the dependencies (#1264, @faceair)
- Add agent hostNetwork option (#1257, @faceair)
- Skip detectClusterRoles for Kubernetes (#1262, @johanavril)
- Elasticsearch: add SYS_CHROOT capability (#1260, @haircommander)
- Allow overriding the vertx example app image and config values (#1259, @kevinearls)
- Simplify OTEL related environment variables (#1255, @kevinearls)
- Add CQLSH_PORT environment variable (#1243, @Ashmita152)
- Expose elasticsearch container ports (#1224, @jkandasa)
- Adding samples for ingress hosts and annotations (#1231, @prageethw)
- Don't set kafka batch options when using otel collector (#1227, @kevinearls)
- Added configuration for the agent's securityContext (#1190, @chgl)
- Completely replace the sidecar on each reconciliation, call patch instead of update. (#1212, @rubenvp8510)
- Remove sidecars of annotated namespaces when annotation is deleted (#1209, @rubenvp8510)
- Create service accounts before storage dependencies/init schemas (#1196, @pavolloffay)
- Added 'w3c' to the injected JAEGER_PROPAGATION env var (#1192, @chgl)
- Create daemonsets after services and deployments. (#1176, @jpkrohling)
- Add consolelink permissions to cluster role (#1177, @rubenvp8510)
Breaking changes:
- None
Other noteworthy changes:
- Remove explicitly setting agent's reporter type (#1168, @pavolloffay)
- Apply the securityContext to the cassandraCreateSchema job (#1167, @chgl)
- Disabled service links (#1161, @mikelorant)
- Create option to specify type for Query service (#1132, @Aneurysm9)
- Added missing metrics port to operator's deployment (#1157, @jpkrohling)
- Support custom labels in Jaeger all-in-one deployments (#629) (#1153, @albertteoh)
- Added interactive flag for docker to fix issue 1150 (#1154, @sundar-cs)
- Avoid error message assertions on OS dependent errors (#716) (#1151, @albertteoh)
- Add link to openshift console (#1142, @rubenvp8510)
- Add common field to jaeger-es-rollover-create-mapping (#1144, @lighteness)
- Refined Jaeger instance injection logic (#1146, @rubenvp8510)
- Update downloaded SDK version and update deprecated struct name (#1133, @chlunde)
- Update x/crypto version (#1136, @objectiser)
- Fixed binding of command line flags (#1129, @jpkrohling)
- Updated Operator SDK to v0.18.2 (#1126, @jpkrohling)
- Create and mount service CA via ConfigMap (#1124, @jpkrohling)
- Set the grpc port name to include http(s) prefix. (#1122, @jpkrohling)
- Fix duplicate mount path for /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem (#1121, @objectiser)
- Adjusted gRPC options for OpenShift when TLS is enabled (#1119, @jpkrohling)
- Add support for imagePullSecrets to sidecar's Deployment (#1115, @Saad-Hussain1)
- Add TraceTTL to cassandra schema spec (#1111, @moolen)
- Deploy trusted CA config map in OpenShift when agent injected into a … (#1110, @objectiser)
- Mount volumes from agent spec (#1102, @Saad-Hussain1)
- Added missing displayName to CSV 1.18.1 (#1095, @jpkrohling)
Breaking changes:
- None
Other noteworthy changes:
- Add trusted CA bundle support for OpenShift (#1079, @objectiser)
- create Jaeger resource in the watched namespace (#1036, @therealmitchconnors)
- Set correct branch for ES 4.4 (#1081, @pavolloffay)
- Add OTEL config to all-in-one (#1080, @pavolloffay)
Breaking changes:
Other noteworthy changes:
- Migrate Ingress from API extensions/v1beta1 to networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 (#1039, @rubenvp8510)
- Make sure truncated labels are valid (#1055, @rubenvp8510)
- Add CLI command to generate k8s manifests (#1046, @chlunde)
- Add OTEL config to Jaeger CR (#1056, @pavolloffay)
- Missing components added to func JaegerServiceAccountFor() (#1057, @AdrieVanDijk)
- Fix typo in godoc (#1052, @jjmengze)
- Change source of oauth-proxy image from the imagestream (#1049, @objectiser)
- Handle normalization of host:port addresses in operator upgrade for 1.18 (#1033, @rubenvp8510)
- Use semver on the upgrade process (#1034, @rubenvp8510)
- Do not set the default index cleaner, rollover and dependencies image in CR (#1037, @objectiser)
- Allow oauth proxy imagestream to be used by specifying the namespace/… (#1035, @objectiser)
- Added auto-scale to the ingester (#1006, @rubenvp8510)
- Synch changes in cert generation script with CLO (#1008, @pavolloffay)
- Fix autodetect restarting platform from OpenShift to Kubernetes (#1003, @objectiser)
- Update deployment sidecar when flags change (#961, @rubenvp8510)
- Marked specific fields as nullable to keep backwards compatibility (#985, @jpkrohling)
- Restored the displayName in the CSV (#987, @jpkrohling)
- Change 'make generate' to write only a single CRD (#978, @jpkrohling)
- Prevent operator from overriding .Spec.Replicas (#979, @jpkrohling)
Breaking changes:
- None
Other noteworthy changes:
- No modify annotation when injecting (#902, @rubenvp8510)
- Add Jaeger client generated code through client-gen (#921, @rareddy)
- Use non-cached CR on reconciliation (#940, @jpkrohling)
- Update README.md (#954, @slikk66)
- Add example StatefulSet with manual sidecar definition (#949, @ewohltman)
- [oc] Auto create TLS cert in collector deployment (#914, @annanay25)
- Reorganized cluster roles, added rules to watch all namespaces (#936, @jpkrohling)
- Replaced client.List with reader.List (#937, @jpkrohling)
- Removed descriptions from CRD (#932, @jpkrohling)
Breaking changes:
- Removed 'Size' property from components (#850)
Other noteworthy changes:
- Use ubi as base image (#924)
- Changed the operator to gracefully degrade when not on cluster-wide scope (#916)
- Updated admin-port for the Agent (#922)
- Limit some properties to use at most 63 chars (#904)
- Add http- prefix to collector service port names (#911)
- Change query service portname to 'http-query' (#909)
- Disable agent injection to jaeger instances and when false value is used (#903)
- Per namespace agent injection (#897)
- Preserve generated cookie secret on the reconciliation process (#883)
- Add additional printer columns (#898)
- cassandra-create-schema job: set job deadline to 1 day, improve resilience (#893)
- Removed user_setup script (#890)
- Updated Operator SDK to v0.15.1 (#891)
- Auto-inject the IP tag for operator-injected agent (#871)
- Remove deployment updates from autodetect loop (#869)
- Auto-inject agent tags in multi-container pods (#864)
- Include the Log Out option when a custom menu is used (#867)
- Added auto-scale to the collector (#856)
- Support self provisioned ES in streaming strategy (#842)
- Fix hardcoded self provisioned kafka broker URL (#841)
- Configure keyspace in cassandra init job (#837)
- Added 'openapi' generated resources (#819)
Breaking changes:
- None
Other noteworthy changes:
- Fixed permissions for ServiceMonitor objects (#831)
- Add timeout for Cassandra Schema creation job (#820)
- Fixed the with-badger-and-volume example (#827)
- Run rollover cronjob by default daily at midnight (#812)
- Added basic status to CR{D} (#802)
- Disabled tracing by default (#805)
- Remove unnecessary options from auto-kafka-prov example (#810)
- Use APIReader for Get/List resources on the autodetect functions (#814)
- Updated Operator SDK to v0.12.0 (#799)
- Added OpenTelemetry instrumentation (#738)
- Fixed nil pointer when no Jaeger is suitable for sidecar injection (#783)
- CSV changes to be picked up for next release (#772)
- Correctly expose UDP container ports of injected sidecar containers (#773)
- Scan deployments for agent injection (#454)
Breaking changes:
- Breaking change - removed legacy io.jaegertracing CRD (#649)
Other noteworthy changes:
- fix sampling strategy file issue in Jaeger Collector (#741)
- Enable tag/digest to be specified in the image parameters to the operator (#743)
- Upgrade deprecated flags from 1.14 and previous, to 1.15 (#730)
- Use StatefulSet from apps/v1 API for ES and Cassandra (#727)
- Read the service account's namespace when POD_NAMESPACE is missing (#722)
- Added automatic provisioning of Kafka when its operator is available (#713)
- New DeploymentStrategy type for JaegerSpec.Strategy (#704)
- Added workflows publishing the 'master' container image (#718)
- Added labels to cronjob pod template (#707)
- Pass only specified options to spark dependencies (#708)
- Updated Operator SDK to v0.11.0 (#695)
- Update gopkg.in/yaml.v2 dependency to v2.2.4 (#699)
- added cassandra creds (#590)
- Updated the business-application example (#693)
- Add support for TLS on ingress (#681)
- Add support to SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit (#621)
- Add prometheus annotations to sidecar's deployment (#684)
- add missing grpc port (#680)
- Recognize when a resource has been deleted while the operator waits (#672)
- Enable the documentation URL in the default menu items to be configured via the operator CLI (#666)
- Adjusted the ALM examples and operator capabilities in CSV (#665)
- Bring jaeger operator repo inline with contributing guidelines in mai… (#664)
- Fix error handling when getting environment variable value (#661)
- Update install-sdk to work on Mac (#660)
- Improved the install-sdk target (#653)
- Use elasticsearch operator 4.2, add workflow for 4.1 (#631)
- Load env variables in the given secretName in Spark dependencies (#651)
- Added default agent tags (#648)
- Add commonSpec to other jobs (es-index-cleaner, es-rollover, cassandr… (#640)
- Add common spec to dependencies (#637)
- Add resource limits for spark dependencies cronjob (#620)
- Add Jaeger version to Elasticsearch job images (#628)
- Add badger to supported list of storage types (#616)
- Get rid of finalizer, clean sidecars when no jaeger instance found (#575)
- Deploy production ready self provisioned ES by default (#585)
- Always deploy client,data nodes with master node (#586)
- Configure index cleaner properly when rollover is enabled (#587)
- Agent service ports with correct protocol (#579)
- Renamed the ManagedBy label to OperatedBy (#576)
- Added htpasswd option to the OpenShift OAuth type (#573)
- Changed Operator to set ownership of the instances it manages (#571)
- Added upgrade mechanism for managed Jaeger instances (#476)
- Check and update finalizers before setting APIVersion and Kind (#558)
- Remove sidecar when instance is deleted (#453)
- Allow setting es-operator-image (#549)
- Use zero redundancy when number of ES nodes is 1 (#539)
- Use es-operator from 4.1 branch (#537)
- Reinstated the service metrics (#530)
- Use ES single redundancy by default (#531)
- Change replace method, to remain compatible with golang 1.11 (#529)
- Avoid touching the original structure of the options. (#523)
- Prevented the Operator from overriding Secrets/ImagePullSecrets on ServiceAccounts (#526)
- Added support for OpenShift-specific OAuth Proxy options (#508)
- Allowed usage of custom SA for OAuth Proxy (#520)
- Make sure the ES operator's UUID is a valid DNS name (#515)
- Set the ES node GenUUID to explicit value based on jaeger instance namespace and name (#495)
- Add linkerd.io/inject=disabled annotation (#507)
- Bump Jaeger to 1.13 (#504)
- Disable the property ttlSecondsAfterFinished (#503)
- Set default redundancy policy to zero (#501)
- Changed to always use namespace when a name is involved (#485)
- Sanitize names that must follow DNS naming rules (#483)
- Added instructions for daemonsets on OpenShift (#346)
- Enable completion time-to-live to be set on all jobs (#407)
- Removed 'expose metrics port' to prevent 'failed to create or get service' error (#462)
- Add support for securityContext and serviceAccount (#456)
- Add install SDK goal to make (#458)
- Upgraded the operator-sdk version to 0.8.1 (#449)
- Switch to go modules from dep (#449)
- Do not set a default Elasticsearch image (#450)
- Log the operator image name when created (#452)
- Add label to the common spec (#445)
- Fix injecting volumes into rollover jobs (#446)
- Remove race condition by disabling esIndexCleaner till after SmokeTes… (#437)
- Fix runtime panic when trying to update operator controlled resources that don't have annotation or labels (#433)
- Update to 1.12 and use new admin ports (#425)
- Use ephemeral storage for Kafka tests (#419)
- Fix csv example and add spec.maturity (#416)
- Add resources requests/limits to oauth_proxy (#410)
- Check that context is not nil before calling cleanup (#413)
- Improve error message when queries fail (#402)
- Add resource requirements to sidecar agent (#401)
- Add streaming e2e tests (#400)
- Make sure to call ctx.cleanup if perpare()) fails (#389)
- Change how Kafka is configured for collector and ingester (#390)
- Use storage namespace in index cleaner test (#382)
- Fix rbac policy issue with blockOwnerDeletion (#384)
- Reinstate gosec with fix for OOM error (#381)
- Enhance ES index cleaner e2e test to verify indices have been removed (#378)
- Add owner ref on operator's service to ensure it gets deleted when op… (#377)
- Update CSV description to comply with guidelines (#374)
- Include elasticsearch statefulset nodes in availability check (#371)
- Fail lint goal if not empty (#372)
- Include docs for common config (#367)
- Reinstated the registration of ES types (#366)
- Add support for affinity and tolerations (#361)
- Support injection of JAEGER_SERVICE_NAME based on app or k8s recommended labels (#362)
- Change ES operator apiversion (#360)
- Update test to run on OpenShift (#350)
- Add prometheus scrape 'false' annotation to headless collector service (#348)
- Derive agent container/host ports from options if specified (#353)
- Moved from v1alpha1 to v1 (#265)
- Use storage flags instead of CR properties for spark job (#295)
- Changed from 'size' to 'replicas' (#271). "Size" will still work for the next couple of releases.
- Initialise menu to include Log Out option when using OAuth Proxy (#344)
- Change Operator provider to CNCF (#263)
- Added note about the apiVersion used up to 1.10.0 (#283)
- Implemented a second service for the collector (#339)
- Enabled DNS as the service discovery mechanism for agent => collector communication (#333)
- Sorted the container arguments inside deployments (#337)
- Use client certs for elasticsearch (#325)
- Load back Elasticsearch certs from secrets (#324)
- Disable spark dependencies for self provisioned es (#319)
- Remove index cleaner from prod-es-deploy example (#314)
- Set default query timeout for provisioned ES (#313)
- Automatically Enable/disable depenencies tab (#311)
- Unmarshall numbers in options to number not float64 (#308)
- Inject archive index configuration for provisioned ES (#309)
- update #305, add grps and health port to jaeger collector service (#306)
- Enable archive button if archive storage is enabled (#303)
- Fix reverting ingress security to oauth-proxy on openshift if set to none (#301)
- Change agent reporter to GRPC (#299)
- Bump jaeger version to 1.11 (#300)
- Enable agent readiness probe (#297)
- Use storage flags instead of CR properties for spark job (#295)
- Change operator.yaml to use master, to keep the readme uptodate with latest version (#296)
- Add Elasticsearch image to CR and flag (#289)
- Updated to Operator SDK 0.5.0 (#273)
- Block until objects have been created and are ready (#279)
- Add rollover support (#267)
- Added publishing of major.minor image for the operator (#274)
- Use only ES data nodes to calculate shards (#257)
- Reinstated sidecar for query, plus small refactoring of sidecar (#246)
- Remove ES master certs (#256)
- Store back the CR only if it has changed (#249)
- Fixed role rule for Elasticsearch (#251)
- Wait for elasticsearch cluster to be up (#242)
- Automatically detect when the ES operator is available (#239)
- Adjusted logs to be consistent across the code base (#237)
- Fixed deployment of Elasticsearch via its operator (#234)
- Set ES shards and replicas based on redundancy policy (#229)
- Update Jaeger CR (#193)
- Add storage secrets to es-index-cleaner cronjob (#197)
- Removed constraint on namespace when obtaining available Jaeger instances (#213)
- Added workaround for kubectl logs and get pods commands (#225)
- Add -n observability so kubectl get deployment command works correctly (#223)
- Added capability of detecting the platform (#217)
- Deploy one ES node (#221)
- Use centos image (#220)
- Add support for deploying elasticsearch (#191)
- Replaced use of strings.ToLower comparison with EqualFold (#214)
- Bump Jaeger to 1.10 (#212)
- Ignore golang coverage html (#208)
- Enable single operator to monitor all namespaces (#188)
- Added flag to control the logging level (#202)
- Updated operator-sdk to v0.4.1 (#200)
- Added newline to the end of the role YAML file (#199)
- Added mention to WATCH_NAMESPACE when running for OpenShift (#195)
- Added openshift route to role (#198)
- Added Route to SDK Scheme (#194)
- Add Jaeger CSV and Package for OLM integration and deployment of the … (#173)
- Remove debug logging from simple-streaming example (#185)
- Add ingester (and kafka) support (#168)
- When filtering storage options, also include '-archive' related options (#182)
- Changed to use recommended labels (#172)
- Enable dependencies and index cleaner by default (#162)
- Fix log when spak depenencies are used with unsupported storage (#161)
- Fix serviceaccount could not be created by the operator on openshift. (#165)
- Add Elasticsearch index cleaner as cron job (#155)
- Fix import order for collector-test (#158)
- Smoke test (#145)
- Add deploy clean target and rename es/cass to deploy- (#149)
- Add spark job (#140)
- Automatically format imports (#151)
- Silence 'mkdir' from e2e-tests (#153)
- Move pkg/configmap to pkg/config/ui (#152)
- Fix secrets readme (#150)
- Configure sampling strategies (#139)
- Add support for secrets (#114)
- Fix crd links (#132)
- Create e2e testdir, fix contributing readme (#131)
- Enable JAEGER_SERVICE_NAME and JAEGER_PROPAGATION env vars to be set … (#128)
- Add CRD to install steps, and update cleanup instructions (#129)
- Rename controller to strategy (#125)
- Add tests for new operator-sdk related code (#122)
- Update README.adoc to match yaml files in deploy (#124)
- Add support for UI configuration (#115)
- Use proper jaeger-operator version for e2e tests and remove readiness check from DaemonSet (#120)
- Migrate to Operator SDK 0.1.0 (#116)
- Fix changelog 'new features' header for 1.8 (#113)
Notable new Features
- Query base path should be used to configure correct path in ingress (#108)
- Enable resources to be defined at top level and overridden at compone… (#110)
- Add OAuth Proxy to UI when on OpenShift (#100)
- Enable top level annotations to be defined (#97)
- Support volumes and volumeMounts (#82)
- Add support for OpenShift routes (#93)
- Enable annotations to be specified with the deployable components (#86)
- Add support for Cassandra create-schema job (#71)
- Inject sidecar in properly annotated pods (#58)
- Support deployment of agent as a DaemonSet (#52)
Breaking changes
- Change CRD to use lower camel case (#87)
- Factor out ingress from all-in-one and query, as common to both but i… (#91)
- Remove zipkin service (#75)
Full list of commits:
- Query base path should be used to configure correct path in ingress (#108)
- Enable resources to be defined at top level and overridden at compone… (#110)
- Fix disable-oauth-proxy example (#107)
- Add OAuth Proxy to UI when on OpenShift (#100)
- Refactor common spec elements into a single struct with common proces… (#105)
- Ensure 'make generate' has been executed when model changes are made (#101)
- Enable top level annotations to be defined (#97)
- Update generated code and reverted change to 'all-in-one' in CRD (#98)
- Support volumes and volumeMounts (#82)
- Update readme to include info about storage options being located in … (#96)
- Enable storage options to be filtered out based on specified storage … (#94)
- Add support for OpenShift routes (#93)
- Change CRD to use lower camel case (#87)
- Factor out ingress from all-in-one and query, as common to both but i… (#91)
- Fix operator SDK version as master is too unpredicatable at the moment (#92)
- Update generated file after new annotations field (#90)
- Enable annotations to be specified with the deployable components (#86)
- Remove zipkin service (#75)
- Add support for Cassandra create-schema job (#71)
- Fix table of contents on readme (#73)
- Update the Operator SDK version (#69)
- Add sidecar.istio.io/inject=false annotation to all-in-one, agent (da… (#67)
- Fix zipkin port issue (#65)
- Go 1.11.1 (#61)
- Inject sidecar in properly annotated pods (#58)
- Support deployment of agent as a DaemonSet (#52)
- Normalize options on the stub and update the normalized CR (#54)
- Document the disable ingress feature (#55)
- dep ensure (#51)
- Add support for JaegerIngressSpec to all-in-one
This release brings Jaeger v1.7 to the Operator.
Full list of commits:
- Release v1.7.0
- Bump Jaeger to 1.7 (#41)
This is our initial release based on Jaeger 1.6.
Full list of commits:
- Release v1.6.5
- Push the tag with the new commit to master, not the release tag
- Fix git push syntax
- Push tag to master
- Merge release commit into master (#39)
- Add query ingress enable switch (#36)
- Fix the run goal (#35)
- Release v1.6.1
- Add 'build' step when publishing image
- Fix docker push command and update release instructions
- Add release scripts (#32)
- Fix command to deploy the simplest operator (#34)
- Add IntelliJ specific files to gitignore (#33)
- Add prometheus scrape annotations to Jaeger collector, query and all-in-one (#27)
- Remove work in progress notice
- Add instructions on how to run the operator on OpenShift
- Support Jaeger version and image override
- Fix publishing of release
- Release Docker image upon merge to master
- Reuse the same ES for all tests
- Improved how to execute the e2e tests
- Correct uninstall doc to reference delete not create (#16)
- Set ENTRYPOINT for Dockerfile
- Run 'docker' target only before e2e-tests
- 'dep ensure' after adding Cobra/Viper
- Update the Jaeger Operator version at build time
- Add ingress permission to the jaeger-operator
- Install golint/gosec
- Disabled e2e tests on Travis
- Initial working version