PHP Curl Class uses semantic versioning with version numbers written as MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
. You may safely update
version changes. It is recommended to review MAJOR
changes prior to upgrade as there may be
backwards-incompatible changes that will affect existing usage.
- Add coding standards rule to use the null coalescing operator ?? where possible (#801)
- Replace isset with null coalescing operator (#800)
- Use short array syntax (#793)
- Add PHP-CS-Fixer to check for unused imports (#794)
- Replace
- Improve and add tests for Curl::fastDownload() (#791)
- Make method to display curl option value public (#790)
- Differentiate between internal options and user-set options (#788)
- Create method to display a curl option value (#785)
- Fix existing header overwritten after using MultiCurl::addCurl() (#787)
- Graduate Curl::fastDownload() (#783)
- Fix PHP CodeSniffer errors (#782)
- Update Curl::diagnose() to detect bit flags with negative values (#781)
- Display bit flags in use when calling Curl::diagnose() (#779)
- Handle missing content-type response header in Curl::diagnose() (#778)
- Update article in Curl::diagnose() Allow header warning (#776)
- Remove use of array_merge() inside loop (#774)
- Clean up: Reduce nesting (#771)
- Remove coding standard ruleset exclusion (#768)
- Make https:// and http:// the allowed request protocols by default (#767)
- Allow uploads with CURLStringFile type (#762)
- Implement abstract class BaseCurl for Curl and MultiCurl (#759)
- Display error messages found in Curl::diagnose() (#758)
- Fix Curl::diagnose() request type output for POST requests (#757)
- Fix static analysis error (#752)
- Exclude additional files from git archive (#751)
- Ensure string response before gzip decode (#749)
- Disable warning when gzip-decoding response errors (#748)
- Include option constant that uses the CURLINFO_ prefix (#745)
- Add automatic gzip decoding of response (#744)
- change: remove unused namespace import (#743)
- Add Curl::diagnose() HTTP method check matches methods allowed (#741)
- Add temporary fix missing template params (#742)
- Display request options in Curl::diagnose() output (#739)
- Fix MultiCurl::setCookieString() (#738)
- Pass MultiCurl options to new Curl instances earlier (#737)
- Add deferred constant curlErrorCodeConstants (#736)
- Include curl error code constant in curl error message (#733)
- Implement ArrayUtil::arrayRandomIndex() (#732)
- Remove filter flag constants deprecated as of PHP 7.3 (#730)
- Call MultiCurl::beforeSend() before each request is made (#723)
- Encode keys for post data with numeric keys (#726)
- Fix building post data with object (#728)
- Attempt to stop active requests when
is called #714 #718 - Retain keys for arrays with null values when building post data #712
- Method
for stopping subsequent requests #708
- Method
for stopping requests early without downloading the full response body #681
- Fixed constructing request url when using
- Method
is now public
- Fix parsing schemeless urls #679
- Enabled strict types (
- Fixed
not being set correctly
- Method
for troubleshooting requests
Additional Curl::set* and MultiCurl::set* helper methods
Curl::setAutoReferer() Curl::setAutoReferrer() Curl::setFollowLocation() Curl::setForbidReuse() Curl::setMaximumRedirects() MultiCurl::setAutoReferer() MultiCurl::setAutoReferrer() MultiCurl::setFollowLocation() MultiCurl::setForbidReuse() MultiCurl::setMaximumRedirects()
- Support for using relative urls with MultiCurl::add*() methods #628
- Use short array syntax
- Support for PHP 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 #380
A manual review of changes is possible using the
comparison page. For example, visit
7.4.0...8.0.0 to compare the changes for
upgrade from 7.4.0 to 8.0.0. Comparing against HEAD
is also possible using the tag...HEAD
View the log between releases:
$ git fetch --tags
$ git log 7.4.0...8.0.0
View the code changes between releases:
$ git fetch --tags
$ git diff 7.4.0...8.0.0
View only the source log and code changes between releases:
$ git log 7.4.0...8.0.0 "src/"
$ git diff 7.4.0...8.0.0 "src/"
View only the source log and code changes between a release and the current checked-out commit:
$ git log 8.0.0...head "src/"
$ git diff 8.0.0...head "src/"