Current roadmap for the project.
- Means completed
- Means an unfinished item
- [?] Means a potential feature. Decide if needed, and act accordingly
- Remove the use of .db files. This feature turns out to not be that useful
- Remove loading bar. Show timing info in logs
- Add more unit tests
- Tone Colors
- Handwritten characters
- Play audio
- Filters
- Verify card filters work
- Filter by most common Xk words
- Spanish support
- Dictionary
- Card settings
- Split settings setter into multiple functions. That function is too large
- Run performance testing on a range of input files
- Multithreading to improve dict lookup speed
- Move dictionary to a MySQL database
- Create a bunch of tables for each language's features. Then, when a list of words come in inner join all the requested features into one table
Store logs as file
Find a way to check cards for junk data (Fix Q, P from airplanes)
Write unit tests for settings
Add number of cards added to deck to logs
Other decks:
- More books
- HSK Decks
- Add aa version number to logs
Dictionary use dict instead of list
Address TODOs
Confirm pass in dictionary works
Add back support for multi-file book
Faster book scraping
Finish part of speech analysis
Don't run db populate based on settings
Dedicated Chinese database
rename cantonese column to juytping
Filter by HSK level
Filter by word frequency
Import txt files (Pleco)
Import epub files
Import Pdf files
Export as csv
First website-ready version
Ability to omit database name
Remove BookCleaner and merge into Tokenizer/DatabaseManager
Issues installing libraries
Add ability to add book from string
Add automated tests
Convert database magager to abstract class to prepare for multi-language
Add option to use custom dictionary
Add language setting for AutoAnki constructor
Faster load-up times
Improved Cards
Add part-of-speech to card
- Fix nested relative paths in BookCleaner
- Remove superfluous slashes from CE-DICT definitions
- Remove logs from libraries
- confirm requirements install correctly
- Add documentation
Seperate Chinese tokenizer from DatabaseManager
Improve table for part-of-speech
Fix relative imports in pip version
Traditional word should exclusively replace only different words
Filter non-ascii latin character set (Don't filter T恤)
Remove Chinese-spesific parts from
complete_unfinished_definitions() should only be run once
Fix word count after dictionary word-split
Card filters
Filter by word frequency
Better Dictionary lookups (80%> hit-rate)
- Filter numbers and number-subject tokens
- Missed Dictionary lookups < 3 characters will return split definitions
- Same character repeated twice/thrice
Add tags to cards
option to deck cleaner -
Documentation for how Dictionaries work
Batch One Decks!
- Card settings
- Add formatting settings to cards
- More customization for card apperance
- Filter Grammar from database better
- Fix Images on Pypi
- Logging level set by autoanki
- Better formatted dictionary lookups
- Faster Dictionary Lookups
- Verify all components working
- Format logging output
- Use local dictionary for word lookups
- Clean input of numbers, whitespace, etc.
- Updated