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PhotoSwipe repository migrated to Wikimedia Gerrit

The primary repository is now migrated to Wikimedia Gerrit. See for latest updates.

Also see


This is a MediaWiki extension that adds <photoswipe> tag to provide a front-end JavaScript image gallery and lightbox using PhotoSwipe


  • Download and place the file(s) in a directory called PhotoSwipe in your extensions/ folder.

  • Add the following code at the bottom of your LocalSettings.php:

    wfLoadExtension( 'PhotoSwipe' );

  • run ./bin/ or npm run build-lib to prepopulate the JS libraries.

  • Configure as required.

  • ✅ Done – Navigate to Special:Version on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.



This defines values for each section of configuration. $wgPhotoSwipeConfig is an associative array of mixed values, with each sub-value having zero or more of the following parameters.

parameter type default description
mode string 'recommended' Adjusts the usage of PhotoSwipe library. Possible values: 'recommended', 'withoutDynamicImport', 'withoutLightbox'
options object library recommendation The options object passed into the PhotoSwipeLightbox instance.
addBeginning string '' Additional JavaScript to add in the beginning.
array of strings [] An array of strings of JavaScript to add.
addEventables string '' Additional JavaScript to add in the middle.
array of strings [] An array of strings of JavaScript to add.
addEnd string '' Additional JavaScript to add in the end.
array of strings [] An array of strings of JavaScript to add.
plugins array of strings [] An array of strings of names of plugins to enable with default options. See PhotoSwipeVendorList.
object of options {} An object of keys of plugins to enable with custom options. The values are the options object passed to the plugin library.

For example, in your LocalSettings.php: (note: make sure to \ escape all $ in string values containing JavaScript)

all-in-one associative array

$wgPhotoSwipeConfig = [
	"mode" => "recommended",
	"options" => [
		"gallery" => "",
		"children" => "a.img",
		"thumbSelector" => "a.img",
		"pswpModule" => "() => require( 'js.photoswipe' )",
		// Recommended PhotoSwipe options for this plugin
		"allowPanToNext" => false, // prevent swiping to the next slide when image is zoomed
		"allowMouseDrag" => true, // display dragging cursor at max zoom level
		"wheelToZoom" => true, // enable wheel-based zoom
		"zoom" => false // disable default zoom button
	"addBeginning" => [
		"document.querySelectorAll( ' img' ).forEach( ( e, i ) => {
			if ( e.parentElement.tagName !== 'A' ) {
				document.querySelectorAll( 'img' )[ i ].outerHTML = `<a class='img' href='\${e.src}'; data-my-size='\${e.naturalWidth}x\${e.naturalHeight}'>\${e.outerHTML}</a>`;
		} );"
	"addEventables" => [
		"const backEasing = {
			in: 'cubic-bezier(0.6, -0.28, 0.7, 1)',
			out: 'cubic-bezier(0.3, 0, 0.32, 1.275)',
			inOut: 'cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.265, 1.55)'
		"lightbox.on( 'firstUpdate', () => { lightbox.pswp.options.easing = backEasing.out; } );",
		"lightbox.on( 'initialZoomInEnd', () => { lightbox.pswp.options.easing = backEasing.inOut; } );",
		"lightbox.on( 'close', () => { lightbox.pswp.options.easing =; } );",
		"lightbox.addFilter( 'domItemData', ( itemData, element, linkEl ) => {
			if ( linkEl ) {
				const sizeAttr = linkEl.dataset.mySize;
				itemData.src = linkEl.href;
				itemData.w = Number( sizeAttr.split( 'x' )[ 0 ] );
				itemData.h = Number( sizeAttr.split( 'x' )[ 1 ] );
				itemData.msrc = linkEl.dataset.thumbSrc;
				itemData.thumbCropped = true;
			return itemData;
		} );"
	"addEnd" => [],
	"plugins" => [
		"DeepZoomPlugin" => [
			"enabled" => true,
			"options" => [
				"tileSize" => 256
		"DynamicCaption" => [
			"enabled" => true,
			"options" => [
				"captionContent" => ".pswp-caption-content",
				"horizontalEdgeThreshold" => 20,
				"mobileCaptionOverlapRatio" => 0.3,
				"mobileLayoutBreakpoint" => 600,
				"type" => "auto"
		"VideoPlugin" => [
			"enabled" => true,
			"options" => []

individual key values of associative array

$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["mode"] = "recommended";
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["options"]["gallery"] = "";
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["options"]["children"] = "a.img";
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["options"]["thumbSelector"] = "a.img";
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["options"]["pswpModule"] = "() => require( 'js.photoswipe' )";
// Recommended PhotoSwipe options for this plugin
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["options"]["allowPanToNext"] = false; // prevent swiping to the next slide when image is zoomed
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["options"]["allowMouseDrag"] = true; // display dragging cursor at max zoom level
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["options"]["wheelToZoom"] = true; // enable wheel-based zoom
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["options"]["zoom"] = false; // disable default zoom button
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["addBeginning"] = [
	"document.querySelectorAll( ' img' ).forEach( ( e, i ) => {
		if ( e.parentElement.tagName !== 'A' ) {
			document.querySelectorAll( 'img' )[ i ].outerHTML = `<a class='img' href='\${e.src}'; data-my-size='\${e.naturalWidth}x\${e.naturalHeight}'>\${e.outerHTML}</a>`;
	} );"
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["addEventables"] = [
	"const backEasing = {
		in: 'cubic-bezier(0.6, -0.28, 0.7, 1)',
		out: 'cubic-bezier(0.3, 0, 0.32, 1.275)',
		inOut: 'cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.265, 1.55)'
	"lightbox.on( 'firstUpdate', () => { lightbox.pswp.options.easing = backEasing.out; } );",
	"lightbox.on( 'initialZoomInEnd', () => { lightbox.pswp.options.easing = backEasing.inOut; } );",
	"lightbox.on( 'close', () => { lightbox.pswp.options.easing =; } );",
	"lightbox.addFilter( 'domItemData', ( itemData, element, linkEl ) => {
		if ( linkEl ) {
			const sizeAttr = linkEl.dataset.mySize;
			itemData.src = linkEl.href;
			itemData.w = Number( sizeAttr.split( 'x' )[ 0 ] );
			itemData.h = Number( sizeAttr.split( 'x' )[ 1 ] );
			itemData.msrc = linkEl.dataset.thumbSrc;
			itemData.thumbCropped = true;
		return itemData;
	} );"
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["addEnd"] = [];
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["plugins"]["DeepZoomPlugin"]["enabled"] = true;
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["plugins"]["DeepZoomPlugin"]["options"]["tileSize"] = 256;
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["plugins"]["DynamicCaption"]["enabled"] = true;
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["plugins"]["DynamicCaption"]["options"]["captionContent"] = ".pswp-caption-content";
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["plugins"]["DynamicCaption"]["options"]["horizontalEdgeThreshold"] = 20;
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["plugins"]["DynamicCaption"]["options"]["mobileCaptionOverlapRatio"] = 0.3;
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["plugins"]["DynamicCaption"]["options"]["mobileLayoutBreakpoint"] = 600;
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["plugins"]["DynamicCaption"]["options"]["type"] = "auto";
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["plugins"]["VideoPlugin"]["enabled"] = true;
$wgPhotoSwipeConfig["plugins"]["VideoPlugin"]["options"] = [];


Note: Images and gallery content not included.

Use extension configuration by default


Use argument configuration (overrides extension configuration)

    &quot;gallery&quot;: &quot;;,
    &quot;children&quot;: &quot;a.img&quot;,
    &quot;thumbSelector&quot;: &quot;a.img&quot;,
    &quot;pswpModule&quot;: &quot;() =&gt; require(&apos;js.photoswipe&apos;)&quot;,
    &quot;allowPanToNext&quot;: false,
    &quot;allowMouseDrag&quot;: true,
    &quot;wheelToZoom&quot;: true,
    &quot;zoom&quot;: false
  addBeginning="document.querySelectorAll(&apos; img&apos;).forEach((e,i) =&gt; {
    if (e.parentElement.tagName !== &apos;A&apos;) {
      document.querySelectorAll(&apos;img&apos;)[i].outerHTML = `&lt;a href=&quot;${e.src}&quot; data-my-size=&quot;${e.naturalWidth}x${e.naturalHeight}&quot;&gt;${e.outerHTML}&lt;/a&gt;`;
  "addEventables": [
    "const backEasing = { in: &apos;cubic-bezier(0.6, -0.28, 0.7, 1)&apos;, out: &apos;cubic-bezier(0.3, 0, 0.32, 1.275)&apos;, inOut: &apos;cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.265, 1.55)&apos; }",
    "lightbox.on( &apos;firstUpdate&apos;, () =&gt; { lightbox.pswp.options.easing = backEasing.out; } );",
    "lightbox.on( &apos;initialZoomInEnd&apos;, () =&gt; { lightbox.pswp.options.easing = backEasing.inOut; } );",
    "lightbox.on( &apos;close&apos;, () =&gt; { lightbox.pswp.options.easing =; } );",
    "lightbox.addFilter( &apos;domItemData&apos;, ( itemData, element, linkEl ) =&gt; { if ( linkEl ) { const sizeAttr = linkEl.dataset.mySize; itemData.src = linkEl.href; itemData.w = Number( sizeAttr.split( &apos;x&apos; )[ 0 ] ); itemData.h = Number( sizeAttr.split( &apos;x&apos; )[ 1 ] ); itemData.msrc = linkEl.dataset.thumbSrc; itemData.thumbCropped = true; } return itemData; } );"
    &quot;DeepZoomPlugin&quot;: {
      &quot;enabled&quot;: true,
      &quot;options&quot;: {
        &quot;tileSize&quot;: 256
    &quot;DynamicCaption&quot;: {
      &quot;enabled&quot;: true,
      &quot;options&quot;: {
        &quot;captionContent&quot;: &quot;.pswp-caption-content&quot;,
        &quot;horizontalEdgeThreshold&quot;: 20,
        &quot;mobileCaptionOverlapRatio&quot;: 0.3,
        &quot;mobileLayoutBreakpoint&quot;: 600,
        &quot;type&quot;: &quot;auto&quot;
    &quot;VideoPlugin&quot;: {
      &quot;enabled&quot;: true,
      &quot;options&quot;: {}
  }" />

Use content configuration (overrides extension configuration and argument configuration)

Note: Comments and multi-line strings are permitted here

	"mode": "recommended",
	"options": {
		"gallery": "",
		"children": "a.img",
		"thumbSelector": "a.img",
		"pswpModule": "() => require( 'js.photoswipe' )",
		// Recommended PhotoSwipe options for this plugin
		"allowPanToNext": false, // prevent swiping to the next slide when image is zoomed
		"allowMouseDrag": true, // display dragging cursor at max zoom level
		"wheelToZoom": true, // enable wheel-based zoom
		"zoom": false // disable default zoom button
	"addBeginning": [
		"document.querySelectorAll( ' img' ).forEach( ( e, i ) => {
			if ( e.parentElement.tagName !== 'A' ) {
				document.querySelectorAll( 'img' )[ i ].outerHTML = `<a class='img' href='${e.src}'; data-my-size='${e.naturalWidth}x${e.naturalHeight}'>${e.outerHTML}</a>`;
		} );"
	"addEventables": [
		"const backEasing = {
			in: 'cubic-bezier(0.6, -0.28, 0.7, 1)',
			out: 'cubic-bezier(0.3, 0, 0.32, 1.275)',
			inOut: 'cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.265, 1.55)'
		"lightbox.on( 'firstUpdate', () => { lightbox.pswp.options.easing = backEasing.out; } );",
		"lightbox.on( 'initialZoomInEnd', () => { lightbox.pswp.options.easing = backEasing.inOut; } );",
		"lightbox.on( 'close', () => { lightbox.pswp.options.easing =; } );",
		"lightbox.addFilter( 'domItemData', ( itemData, element, linkEl ) => {
			if ( linkEl ) {
				const sizeAttr = linkEl.dataset.mySize;
				itemData.src = linkEl.href;
				itemData.w = Number( sizeAttr.split( 'x' )[ 0 ] );
				itemData.h = Number( sizeAttr.split( 'x' )[ 1 ] );
				itemData.msrc = linkEl.dataset.thumbSrc;
				itemData.thumbCropped = true;
			return itemData;
		} );"
	"addEnd": [],
	"plugins": {
		"DeepZoomPlugin": {
			"enabled": true,
			"options": {
				"tileSize": 256
		"DynamicCaption": {
			"enabled": true,
			"options": {
				"captionContent": ".pswp-caption-content",
				"horizontalEdgeThreshold": 20,
				"mobileCaptionOverlapRatio": 0.3,
				"mobileLayoutBreakpoint": 600,
				"type": "auto"
		"VideoPlugin": {
			"enabled": true,
			"options": {}

See also