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An Introduction to JavaScript
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An Introduction to JavaScript
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The JavaScript language
An introduction
- An Introduction to JavaScript (@tarasyyyk) 9cc52dd
- Manuals and specifications (@tarasyyyk) 3fe9f42
- Code editors (@tarasyyyk) 8133018, e6dd629
- Developer console (@tarasyyyk) afb020f
JavaScript Fundamentals
- Hello, world! (@dDenysS) Hello, world! #3
- Code structure (@tarasyyyk) Code structure #25
- The modern mode, "use strict" (@tarasyyyk) Strict mode #5
- Variables (@tarasyyyk) Variables #14
- Data types (@Zim123) Data types #12
- Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm (@Zim123) Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm #23
- Type Conversions (@Zim123) Type Conversions #15
- Basic operators, maths (@Zim123) Operators #19
- Comparisons (@tarasyyyk) Comparison #18
- Conditional branching: if, '?' (@Zim123) Conditional operators: if, '?' #28
- Logical operators (@Zim123) Logical operators #34
- Nullish coalescing operator '??' (@MykolaSopiha) Nullish coalescing operator '??' #220
- Loops: while and for (@tarasyyyk, @dDenysS) Loops: while, for #77, Loops #78, Loops tasks #190
- The "switch" statement (@lobanov-oleh) Switch #42
- Functions (@hypeofpipe, @tarasyyyk) Functions #127, Functions (tasks, solutions) #144
- Function expressions (@Tuoris) Function expression and arrows #48
- Arrow functions, the basics (@Tuoris) Function expression and arrows #48
- JavaScript specials (@tarasyyyk) JavaScript Specials #40
Code quality
- Debugging in the browser (@tarasyyyk) Debugging in Chrome #54
- Coding Style (@alexgalkin) Coding style #59
- Comments (@alexgalkin) Comments #60
- Ninja code (@alexgalkin) Ninja Code #61
- Automated testing with Mocha (@alexgalkin) Automated testing with Mocha #63
- Polyfills and transpilers (@alexgalkin, @tarasyyyk) Polyfills #75, Transpilers #195
Objects: the basics
- Objects (@Regnised) Objects #184
- Object references and copying (@dolgachio) Object copy #142
- Garbage collection (@dolgachio) Garbage Collection #197
- Object methods, "this" (@MykolaSopiha) Object methods, "this" #151
- Constructor, operator "new" (@hordiienko-tatiana) Constructor, operator "new" #172
- Optional chaining '?.' (@didostap) Optional chaining ?. #146
- Symbol type (@Tarkeasy) Symbol type #149
- Object to primitive conversion (@MykolaSopiha) Object to primitive conversion #154
Data types
- Methods of primitives (@stevermeister) Methods of primitives #10
- Numbers (@alexandrtovmach) Numbers #62
- Strings (@gingano) Strings #230
- Arrays (@ArtemZununov) Arrays #115
- Array methods (@Regnised) Array methods #192
- Iterables (@MykolaSopiha) Iterables #196
- Map and Set (@Regnised) Map and Set translation #148
- WeakMap and WeakSet (@MykolaSopiha) WeakMap and WeakSet #162
- Object.keys, values, entries (@chizzzy) Object.keys, values, entries #155
- Destructuring assignment (@hordiienko-tatiana) Destructuring assignment #222
- Date and time (@MykolaSopiha) Date and Time #168
- JSON methods, toJSON (@MykolaSopiha) JSON methods, toJSON #186
Advanced working with functions
- Recursion and stack (@MykolaSopiha) Recursion and stack #201
- Rest parameters and spread syntax (@MariaTar) Rest parameters and spread syntax #188
- Variable scope, closure (@dolgachio) Variable scope, closure #219
- The old "var" (@chizzzy) The old "var" #171
- Global object (@Regnised) Global object #166
- Function object, NFE (@MykolaSopiha) Function object, NFE #198
- The "new Function" syntax (@MykolaSopiha) The "new Function" syntax #199
- Scheduling: setTimeout and setInterval (@hordiienko-tatiana) Scheduling: setTimeout and setInterval #187
- Decorators and forwarding, call/apply (@MykolaSopiha) Decorators and forwarding, call/apply #200
- Function binding (@Vanchurick) Function binding #203
- Arrow functions revisited (@chizzzy) Arrow functions revisited #178
Object properties configuration
- Property flags and descriptors (@MykolaSopiha) Property descriptors #204
- Property getters and setters (@MykolaSopiha) Property getters and setters #206
Prototypes, inheritance
- Prototypal inheritance (@VolodymyrSSS) Prototypal inheritance #167
- F.prototype (@VolodymyrSSS) F.prototype #194
- Native prototypes (@MykolaSopiha) Native Prototypes #250
- Prototype methods, objects without proto (@Vanchurick) Prototype methods, objects without proto #215
- Class basic syntax (@MykolaSopiha) Class basic syntax #207
- Class inheritance (@MykolaSopiha) Class inheritance #218
- Static properties and methods (@Nordtonito) Static properties and methods #212
- Private and protected properties and methods (@MykolaSopiha) Private and protected #252
- Extending built-in classes (@Nordtonito) Extending built-in classes #214
- Class checking: "instanceof" (@dolgachio) Class checking: "instanceof" #227
- Mixins (@MykolaSopiha) Mixins #241
Error handling
- Error handling, "try...catch" (@Purusah) Error handling, "try...catch" #225
- Custom errors, extending Error (@dolgachio) Custom errors, extending Error #251
Promises, async/await
- Introduction: callbacks (@Nordtonito) Introduction: callbacks #253
- Promise (@didostap) Promise #160
- Promises chaining (@hordiienko-tatiana) Promises chaining #259
- Error handling with promises (@AntonBurchak) Error handling with promises #231
- Promise API (@Nordtonito) Promise API #217
- Promisification (@Regnised) Promisification #229
- Microtasks (@Nordtonito) Microtasks #223
- Async/await (@Nordtonito) Async/await #221
Generators, advanced iteration
- Generators (@Nordtonito) Generators #224
- Async iteration and generators (@Nordtonito) Async iteration and generators #236
- Modules, introduction (@Regnised) Modules, introduction #239
- Export and Import (@Purusah) Export and Import #242
- Dynamic imports (@AntonBurchak) Dynamic imports #234
- Proxy and Reflect (@Nordtonito) Proxy and Reflect #245
- Eval: run a code string (@Regnised) Eval: run a code string #240
- Currying (@AntonBurchak) Currying #257
- Reference Type (@MykolaSopiha) Reference Type #254
- BigInt (@gingano) BigInt #238
- Unicode, String internals (@vitaliimalynka) Unicode, String internals #509
- WeakRef and FinalizationRegistry (@WOLFRIEND) WeakRef and FinalizationRegistry #576
Browser: Document, Events, Interfaces
- Browser environment, specs (@MykolaSopiha) Browser environment, specs #243
- DOM tree (@MykolaSopiha) DOM nodes #249
- Walking the DOM (@dolgachio) DOM navigation #328
- Searching: getElement*, querySelector* (@Nordtonito) Searching: getElement*, querySelector* #246
- Node properties: type, tag and contents (@MykolaSopiha) Basic DOM Node Properties #260
- Attributes and properties (@MykolaSopiha) Attributes and properties #265
- Modifying the document (@malechaneit) Modifying the document #299
- Styles and classes (@AdriandeCita) Styles and classes #296
- Element size and scrolling (@80001) Element size and scrolling #401
- Window sizes and scrolling (@jeneg) Window sizes and scrolling #279
- Coordinates (@jeneg) Coordinates #305
Introduction to Events
- Introduction to browser events (@Regnised) Introduction to browser events #292
- Bubbling and capturing (@Neschadin) Bubbling and capturing #495
- Event delegation (@OlhaBrozhenets) Event delegation #262
- Browser default actions (@OlhaBrozhenets) Browser default actions #264
- Dispatching custom events (@OlhaBrozhenets) Dispatching custom events #268
UI Events
- Mouse events (@OlhaBrozhenets) Mouse events #274
- Moving the mouse: mouseover/out, mouseenter/leave (@dolgachio) Moving the mouse #620
- Drag'n'Drop with mouse events (@AntonBurchak) Drag'n'Drop with mouse events #322
- Pointer events (@OlhaBrozhenets) Pointer events #291
- Keyboard: keydown and keyup (@OlhaBrozhenets) Keyboard: keydown and keyup #293
- Scrolling (@OlhaBrozhenets) Scrolling #295
Forms, controls
- Form properties and methods (@jeneg) Form properties and methods #308
- Focusing: focus/blur (@malechaneit) Focusing: focus/blur #314
- Events: change, input, cut, copy, paste (@OlhaBrozhenets) Events: change, input, cut, copy, paste #297
- Forms: event and method submit (@OlhaBrozhenets) Forms: event and method submit #298
Document and resource loading
- Page: DOMContentLoaded, load, beforeunload, unload (@OlhaBrozhenets) Page loads() #303
- Scripts: async, defer (@Nordtonito) Scripts: async, defer #273
- Resource loading: onload and onerror (@OlhaBrozhenets) Resource loading: onload and onerror #304
- Mutation observer (@AdriandeCita) Mutation observer #372
- Selection and Range (@dolgachio) Selection and Range #606
- Event loop: microtasks and macrotasks (@georgyna) Event loop: microtasks and macrotasks #513
Frames and windows
- Popups and window methods (@OlhaBrozhenets) Popups and window methods #307
- Cross-window communication (@OlhaBrozhenets) Cross-window communication #316
- The clickjacking attack (@astropsy999) The clickjacking attack, SSE, CSS-animations #343
Binary data, files
- ArrayBuffer, binary arrays (@Purusah) ArrayBuffer, binary arrays #248
- TextDecoder and TextEncoder (@Purusah) TextDecoder and TextEncoder #256
- Blob (@Purusah) Blob #270
- File and FileReader (@Purusah) File and FileReader #301
Network requests
- Fetch (@kopijka) Fetch #491
- FormData (@Regnised) FormData #247
- Fetch: Download progress (@Nordtonito) Fetch: Download progress #294
- Fetch: Abort (@Nordtonito) Fetch: Abort #306
- Fetch: Cross-Origin Requests (@Nordtonito) Fetch: Cross-Origin Requests #382
- Fetch API (@Nordtonito) Fetch API #430
- URL objects (@Purusah) URL objects #323
- XMLHttpRequest (@jeneg) XMLHttpRequest #310
- Resumable file upload (@jeneg) Resumable file upload #312
- Long polling (@jeneg) Long polling #313
- WebSocket (@jeneg) WebSocket #485
- Server Sent Events (@astropsy999) The clickjacking attack, SSE, CSS-animations #343
Storing data in the browser
- Cookies, document.cookie (@malechaneit) Document cookie #324
- LocalStorage, sessionStorage (@AntonBurchak) LocalStorage, sessionStorage #325
- IndexedDB (@astropsy999) IndexedDB #336
- Bezier curve (@kolumb) Bezier curve #344
- CSS-animations (@astropsy999) The clickjacking attack, SSE, CSS-animations #343
- JavaScript animations (@jeneg) JavaScript animations #542
Web components
- From the orbital height (@yugako) From the orbital height #337
- Custom elements (@jeneg) Custom elements #511
- Shadow DOM (@so-tati) Shadow DOM #510
- Template element (@Lelihelija) Template element #351
- Shadow DOM slots, composition (@kolumb) Shadow DOM slots, composition #381
- Shadow DOM styling (@SamGreenberg) Shadow DOM styling #418
- Shadow DOM and events (@so-tati) Shadow DOM and events #549
Regular expressions
- Patterns and flags (@bromotdi) Patterns and flags #488
- Character classes (@AntonBurchak) Character Classes #383
- Unicode: flag "u" and class \p{...} (@lanachayka) Unicode: flag "u" and class \p{...} #374
- Anchors: string start ^ and end $ (@git-antonyuk) Anchors: string start ^ and end $ #376
- Multiline mode of anchors ^ $, flag "m" (@bromotdi) Multiline mode of anchors ^ $, flag "m" #492
- Word boundary: \b (@vitaliimalynka) Word boundary: \b #424
- Escaping, special characters (@AntonBurchak) Escaping, special characters #435
- Sets and ranges [...] (@MrsMelnychenko) Sets and ranges [...] #421
- Quantifiers +, *, ? and {n} (@MrsMelnychenko) Quantifiers +, *, ? and {n} #420
- Greedy and lazy quantifiers (@SamGreenberg) Greedy and lazy quantifiers #450
- Capturing groups (@SamGreenberg) Capturing groups #441
- Backreferences in pattern: \N and \k<name> (@vitaliimalynka) Backreferences in pattern: \N and \k<name> #449
- Alternation (OR) | (@vladiuskor) Alternation (OR) | #388
- Lookahead and lookbehind (@MrsMelnychenko) Lookahead and lookbehind #439
- Catastrophic backtracking (@SamGreenberg) Catastrophic backtracking #444
- Sticky flag "y", searching at position (@lanachayka) Sticky flag y, searching at position #427
- Methods of RegExp and String (@SamGreenberg) Methods of RegExp and String #445