Hello, I put version 1.5.0 on the project from which all this started and I noticed something that is due to the migration file 0010. In fact, we can't go from a BigAutoField to a UUIDField directly, nor can we do the reverse: to do so, we'd have to go through a CharField, which leads us to the fact that migration 0010 has to be a migration that transforms the id field into a Charfield rather than a BigAutoField. Otherwise, we won't be able to use the UUIDField option for ids in this version without using the step of conveying the pk into a CharField and then now into a uuid, whereas we'd like a project without data to be able to choose what type it wants for its basic pk. Here's the error
django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: cannot cast type bigint to uuid
LINE 1: ..."eav_attribute" ALTER COLUMN "id" TYPE uuid USING "id"::uuid